Reviews for A Matter of Time
KarajeJinsta chapter 2 . 6/11
Ahhh! Poor Rex! What will happen? Please continue! This is really good!
shiroiokami1732 chapter 1 . 5/8
next chapter?
LongLiveTheClones chapter 1 . 5/8/2014
I know I've read this before but I guess I didn't review the first chapter. Love how you captured all the emotions of this scene. So easy to feel all the tension and picture everything that is going on. You write Rex very well. You should do more of it. Love the cliffhanger ending. Cliffies are my favorite. The lightsaber swinging toward his head in the end there is brilliant.
TheDoctorCT-21-0408 chapter 2 . 8/11/2013
That's an interesting pairing
Beany chapter 2 . 1/6/2012
wow great story Oo but poor Rex. its sad that you dont continue it
gabby chapter 2 . 11/1/2011
u must write more!


Glory Alchemist chapter 2 . 6/23/2011
I LOVE this story. It would be great if you would continue it on the Anakin/Rex story line (since you asked). I love your characterization. It's beautiful :)
laloga chapter 2 . 4/26/2011
"Left the party early eh?" chuckled Obi-Wan stroking his beard. "I imagine she wasn't too happy about that"

"We did receive a very colourful transmission from her before she went into hyper-space Master"

LOL This was hilarious! Very Obi-Wan!

Great job! This would be a good story to expand upon as well! :D
laloga chapter 1 . 4/26/2011
Loved Rex in this! He felt very in character, especially with his comeback to Ventress.

On to the next chapter!
Spiff 7 chapter 2 . 4/2/2011
Ok, thanks for all the reviews. I have received quite a few direct messages asking for me to continue this story as well. I am considering another chapter, got a few ideas on the go - but I would like to know what aspect of the storyline is it in particular that you guys like? eg. the pairing (Ventress/Rex - implied Anakin/Rex), the story plotline itself? If someone could give me a heads up either by reviewing or sending me a direct message then we will see what happens. This whole idea sprang from the thought; which of all the clones is most like the original? The scene wrote itself from there.
madika chapter 2 . 4/2/2011
OMG, I LOVE it! Please write more! PleasePleasePlease!
shakespeareaddict chapter 2 . 3/30/2011
obi-wan really doesnt know what's up? fail. i think its pretty clear what she wants. i mean, what girl doesnt love a sexy clone?
LongLiveTheClones chapter 2 . 3/23/2011
Awesome story, Spiff! Would love it if you continued it! I also love Anakin's righteous indignation at Ventress coming after HIS Captain. Great to see the Jedi genuinely concerned with their clones. I also love your writing style. So descriptive and captivating. When the story was done, all I could think of was: "More! I want more!" Just awesome. Loved it!
3GreenDay3 chapter 2 . 3/16/2011
Still love it!
captainrexbest35 chapter 2 . 3/16/2011
*gags* you have terrible taste ventress but lay another hand on my man and you are as good as fed to my dog

just voicing my opinion this is very good but i am serious about ventress
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