Reviews for Thunderstorms
Guest chapter 1 . 7/9/2012
DaydreamyK chapter 1 . 7/28/2011
Kawaii! w

I love your story!

And Earl O.o

sakurasapprentice7 chapter 1 . 6/13/2011
Teehee I love Boris espeicially with Alice :D

Really cute 3
emokiLH chapter 1 . 6/2/2011
Haha! :D I love it, especially the ending leaving the twins confused and taking what they said in a wrong way. XD You're a really awesome writer keep doing good! ‿
squigglestheredpanda chapter 1 . 5/17/2011
This was so cute! I smiled while reading it. The only thing that I noticed was the author's notes. Randomly coming into the story and commenting on us distracts the reader and interrupts the flow of the story. Next time, if you have something to say about it, wait until the end and then say it. Great one-shot! I hope to see more from you.
icysu22 chapter 1 . 4/5/2011
aaawww cute!
jjhatter chapter 1 . 3/15/2011
(Magic Button? What Magic Button...? Oh! THAT Magic Button! CLICK!)

I loved this story! Boris is my favorite, along with Blood and Elliot.

Poor Dee and Dum... (evil laugh)

Anyway, I hope to see more from you soon! This is good stuff!

Sincerely yours,

DazingDreamer chapter 1 . 3/15/2011
Aww, that's cute! We need more BorisXAlice stories.

Boris is such a kitty cat XD
LaughsWithTears chapter 1 . 3/15/2011
I enjoy Boris/Alice pairings. I'm in the middle of reading the manga, and it's quite nice. :)
Mad-Acer chapter 1 . 3/15/2011
Cabity flabity flupe

No offense...

keep doing it!
Tasia'sENDLESSDreams chapter 1 . 3/15/2011
OMG! a double rainbow!

HAHA! I loved this, I simply adore Boris and Alice Fluff. Please write more

EchoInWonderland chapter 1 . 3/15/2011
Cuteness! This site needs more BorisxAlice Fluff and you just made me really happy. :)

Writer's Block? Try working on a couple of projects at a time, that's what I do. I write two stories at a time, because it keeps me busy. Now I'm on hold, because I have trouble figuring out a character, but still.

You could also try to re-read the story/stories you're having trouble with and then writing down whatever you think of. My mom gave me this advice.

Something else is to leave it alone for a while and after a while looking at it again, though I'm not sure if this works.

A couple of things I want to tell you:

You don't need to tell us when a POV switches, because we can notice it on our own. We do realize that if it says "I and Boris" the "I" is supposed to be Alice.

Do please put a line breaker when you switch POV. A line breaker could already be -, but has special linebreakers you can use. Line breakers show us that something is going to switch. That could be POV, time or place, it doesn't matter what.

Authors' Notes at the top and/or bottom of the story. Not in between th story, because it distracts. If you have a note about something in the story, translation or with Boris' fear of water, put a star or whatever the name is, like this *, or a number in the sentence. It's less distracting and is easier for you.

Boris is a cat, so people would think he's afraid of water. That also counts for Pierce, who represents the Dormouse. However in Joker no Kuni no Alice it's shown that they actually like water. In the opening, they're playing in a pool. With water. So they're not afraid of water, I think they actually like it, but it doesn't matter if you make them afraid of water.

Here it was partially neccesary for the story that Boris would be afraid of water, so it's alright.

It's not bad if people make him or Pierce afraid of water, I just though you wanted to know that they're actually not afraid of water.

Like I said it's a cute story and it features one of my fave pairings, but the AN's in the story are a bit distracting.

Telling us when a POV switches isn't neccesary, we can figure it out on our own.

Line breakers are easier for everyone. It tells us that you switch something. In this case it would be POV switch, but people also use it to indicate time or place switches.

Boris' fear of water is cute and funny in this story, so if you want you can ignore my water-rant.

I really liked your story and good luck with your writer's block.
Ink'n'Echo chapter 1 . 3/15/2011
Interesting read, very cute, i like the thunderstorm idea :) You could also try italics for when you're talking to yourself be it either in Alice's or Boris's pov so the readers can differentiate better. And be careful of repetitive phrases like 'behind me'. All in all, Nice work!
Silver Tsuki Hime chapter 1 . 3/15/2011
cute, fluffy loved it!