Reviews for Both Dark and Deep
Mcxynth chapter 2 . 12/19/2019
This was really good? It was short but I don't know why it is?
My goodness, you're good.
Tbh, I don't ship ShinRan and I'm here only for KaiAo, but I still like it. First found out about the Purple Forest from Vocaloid (weird right? Haha) and yes it really is creepy (and sad).

Looking forward to future installments!
Krisaaku chapter 2 . 10/31/2016
Freaking awesome! Please write more of these AokoxKaito and RanxShiniichi fic can you put HattorixKazuha too? Hehehe
seireidoragon chapter 2 . 11/2/2015
This story was well written and it was enjoyable and creepy to read. You did a wonderful job with the characters and I can definitely see Ran terrorizing the police officers.
bobbyneko chapter 2 . 11/3/2014
Oooh mysterious
Moonumb chapter 1 . 11/18/2013
Didn't Conan have a case that happened in that place?
melanch.onie chapter 1 . 8/4/2013
omg, i cant believe you used the forest in this plot! i have this interest of searching up old abandoned amusement parks and came across the sea of trees. BEST RL REF IN A FF EVERRRR.


i think i just broke my silence... haha. see, truth is, I've been dilligently reading your FFs ever since I've decided to get myself into the DC fandom.
And there's no doubt that your stories are amazing :) thank you for the hard work you've put in and for sharing your masterpieces with us fellow fans !(O)!
MisteryMaiden chapter 2 . 7/19/2013
Loved it! Can't wait to read more!
Moonumb chapter 2 . 6/25/2013
There was a movie that happened in that forest, wasn't there? I think there was, but I don't remember which movie it was...
Purple Elephant chapter 2 . 5/13/2013
This is amazing. I've read many, many books in my life, and plan on reading a lot more (I've still got a ways to go). I've always been fascinated by books, and the way they could make you feel like you were there. It's interesting, in a psychological way. And this short story actually scared me. I've been to Aokigahara (I visited Japan last year with a group of friends), my friend thought it would be an quote-unquote "interesting" place to visit. In case you were wondering, my friends are insane. So don't ask. We went during the daytime (I'm deathly afraid of the dark, can't go to sleep without some light. Please stop laughing), but due to my overactive imagination, it was really easy for me to visualize the situation of your story in my head. If I went through something like that, I would probably be insane right now.
kairi loves sora chapter 2 . 3/5/2013
That was weird. Don't worry I watch those types of shows as well. Ofcourse he was creeped out I would be. But after I read this I stopped for a minute. I had to laugh poor Shinichi. Do those boys have a magnet on the for trouble. I mean I don't think I have seen anyone get in as much trouble as them. Good story looking forward to more. See ya
Anon E. Mousse chapter 2 . 5/5/2012
I loved this. It was creepy and mysterious and spine-chilling and beautiful and fantastic and aoshdsjdsihfskjll 3 I love your Friends!KaiShin universe. Thank God you're planning to continue making some side stories :')

Can't wait for the next several (thousands. lol) side stories! :)
Midoriko-sama chapter 2 . 1/8/2012
You updated this! *does the happy dance* And you intend to continue this series! *does the happy striptease* That's fantastic news! I really do love this mini-series universe of sorts, and I have to say, both the first and the second had marvelously executed cases, espcially Plans, with the serial killer. This one seemed to be going the same way, but I have to admit that I loved the alternative take on things...Even Kudo Shinichi can suffer from spectres of the mind!

I look forward to more from this corner of the Shinichi-Kaito friendship universe. I think the reason why I probably prefer Plans over the first story is his interaction with Shinichi, and the lovely hit and miss element you had going for their dynamic (Though there isnt nearly enough Kaito/Aoko interaction around, so the first story's ending is particularly sweeter! Shinichi and Ran suffer the same neglect unfortunately).

Either way, thank you! I look forward to more lovely things from you! take care and be safe!
kakashikrazy256 chapter 2 . 10/30/2011
Oooh I like this story. It has Kaito and Shinichi and creepiness! Wonder whats going to happen to Shinichi. Please continue this story with more creepiness, I like those kinds of stories. They fill me with suspense and when I finish a chapter I'm left with chills. UPDATE SOON! Thanks!
midnight1906 chapter 2 . 10/27/2011
I love your story line! Please come up with a sequel soon! I am looking forward to read it!
justjoy chapter 2 . 9/28/2011
Well, actually, the ending is kinda abrupt - but then again, I suppose that it's rather understandable, given that you're planning to continue.

Great work on this chapter, by the way! Not quite sure if that's what you wanted to get across, but this came through as being somewhat mysterious yet plausible. Plus it doesn't actually interfere and completely chuck Shinichi's innate logic out the window, as some tend to do. I like~

Hoping to see more from this universe soon :D good luck on your studies as well getting your jump-drive to cooperate!
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