Reviews for Wrong Inferences
Dokidoki2804 chapter 4 . 7/28/2012
I cried...
Nekokratik chapter 4 . 7/7/2012
Oh My God! I love this! It's just so perfect, all the bitter-sweetness, HMM! XDD I cannot stop crying, even when writing this review!

Thanks for writing and sharing it
Yokiryuu chapter 4 . 9/26/2011
nurhh... I was all like "GOSH! this is so sweet!"

- like your writing style - and just love the story - actually it been a long time since I last read a story with out a lemon, but it was refreshing.

gotta love a grimm-ichi fic, as sweet and lovely as this one. XD
dundundunduu chapter 4 . 5/2/2011
AWESOME STORY! I love it~! :D you scared the shit out of me in the 4th chapter, in th beginning I really thought Ichi was dead D:

I really liked the ending to

This is an amasing story!
Angelchan2012 chapter 4 . 5/2/2011
Aww~! I cried along with Ichi in the ending! True happy endings like that are what the world needs! lol this was an amazing story and I hope to read more like it!
MissJudged16 chapter 4 . 5/1/2011
thanks for not killing anyone, lol. Great job! Its got that angsty fluff feel to it. Tough to pull off well. Nice work.
ichibanseiken chapter 4 . 4/29/2011
Ahhh! Nice fake-out. You didn't make things obvious, and that's excellent. Grimmjow is traumatized, Ichigo is scarred for life but they are negative and able to look ahead without fear.

I thank you for bringing up this issue of HIV/AIDS. Lots of us read and write fics where our favorite characters screw with abandon and there are generally no ill consequences. It's a fantasy, after all. However, in an AU setting, it's prudent to model safe behavior at least some of the time, to remind us all of the "no glove, no love" rule. I even worked condoms into my AU fic...I had to think about it, but it matters. Recently I saw at least two other authors do the same things. This is good and you're helping with that. Thank you.

So...what'll happen next? Will it be tragic and Scandinan (i.e. will Baldar get shot in the eye with a stray arrow), or will it have a Hollywood happy ending ? :-)
inouehime-chanZero-koNii-sama chapter 3 . 4/13/2011
You are going to write another chapter right? Whoop! Love it!
ichibanseiken chapter 3 . 4/12/2011
Eeek! I'm in shock. So...what happened next? You won't just let him die, will you?

Of course, the whole place is now a biohazard area if Ichi really does have HIV. This will make for an interesting cleanup.
Angelchan2012 chapter 3 . 4/12/2011
Oh...My...GOD! this was a totally EPIC and emo chapter! I love it! so dramatic and full of sadness! very touching my dear! I can't wait for the next chappy! Please let Ichi be okay! *cries* this was AMAZING!
jinfae chapter 1 . 4/11/2011
this brings tears to my eyes, my bro is positive and he's got a boyfriend. he will love this story when he logs on!
OfeliaWolf chapter 3 . 4/11/2011
this almost made me cry!

great job!
Manga reader 125 chapter 3 . 4/11/2011
Omg, that was a captivating chapter. I really want to know how this story will turn out in the end. I can't wait for the next chapter to come out
AokiYuu chapter 3 . 4/11/2011
Woo~! You updated! :D

Great chapter by the way.
KaoriVenna chapter 2 . 3/30/2011
Aw poor Ichi and Grimm! I can't wait to read more. Keep up the great work :)
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