Reviews for Sarah vs The True Friendship
AngelDemon12 chapter 31 . 4/9
omg! lmao! I completely forgot how much I loved this story. I believe this is my third time reading this and I still enjoy laughing my ass off everytime Shaw gets injured.

The scene with Devon, Chuch and Shaw first meeting was epic! totally ment to review that chapter but, omg, I died laughing for about ten minutes.

Just wanted to say I LOVE THIS STORY!
ReaderNotAWriter85 chapter 46 . 3/12
Absolutely one of the most amazing and beautiful story I've read. Just perfect and loved everything about it. I really enjoyed this story so much. Thank you for sharing this with us
PGHammer chapter 12 . 3/4
Pillaged - with a capital P! (Chuck, that is.)
PGHammer chapter 7 . 3/4
I get both Sarah's point - AND Casey's point. Sarah is thinking of the non-shooting aspects of the spy life. She's right there - none of that fits Chuck. Casey, however, is thinking of three things; Chuck being able to defend himself (has he ever been happy about staying in the car - in fact, DOES he stay in the car much?). Then there is that scary scary accuracy (two misses out of one thousand shots is a miss rate of two-tenths of a percent - and there are pistols with as little recoil as a LaserTag pistol, but with more range besides - from SigArms, Beretta, and Glock - all in 9mm. Lastly, there is the "overwatch" option for Chuck (though that is usually Casey's spot); if that same accuracy carries over, Chuck may actually be better at it than Casey! And that would be killing Casey to admit!
PGHammer chapter 3 . 3/4
Poor Sarah! She is in a position that she usually puts her targets in - and she can't blame CHUCK for it, as if it is anyone's fault, it's Casey's for sharing the surveillance (which is actually Proper Procedure - and I have a rather ugly suspiscion that he had an inkling that it would affect Sarah that way - which ITSELF has me asking *how*; he's not only never HINTED that he saw Sarah that way, if anything, he'd deny it with his last breath). When the opportunity presents itself, Chuck is going to get *pillaged*.
Guest chapter 12 . 9/13/2019
So... you're one of the ones who wants to pull a revisionist history on anyone the female half of the couple used to be in a relationship with in some weird pseudo-virginity thing... I mean... having more variety in characters is nice but doing a revision in the sexuality of a character just so you can claim they never had sex with half of your 'ship' is just... weird...
Tpsoftballdad chapter 46 . 8/31/2019
Just a great story. Thank you for all your hard work to give us this story.
fezzywhigg chapter 4 . 5/23/2019
Snap! Ellie has her own plan. It's a done deal now ;)
fezzywhigg chapter 1 . 5/22/2019
This is a great beginning. I particularly liked Ellie's knowing the truth. I also liked the reference to "vs the balcony" episode. Thanks
mkays68 chapter 1 . 4/23/2019
Really enjoyed reading this story, thank you!
Amelia Wolfson chapter 46 . 1/9/2019
I really enjoyed this story, but could have really done without the author's notes. They broke the flow and were unnecessary.

Also side note, you kept using "womansingular) when you meant "womenplural), you might wamt to keep an eye out for that in the future. And for Chuck's sake please look up what an acronym is you used it incorrectly multiple times.
Amelia Wolfson chapter 31 . 1/8/2019
"Acronym" you keep using this word, it does not mean what you think it means. Epithet, nickname, or alias are more along the lines of what you are looking for. You may also want to watch out for those pesky homophobes to/too, do/due, etc.
dragonfox123 chapter 1 . 9/17/2018
Interesting chapter and plot and idea
sharpce chapter 46 . 12/22/2017
Even if you're maybe not arpund anymore - I really need to say what great story this is! THX
jpwood chapter 46 . 11/8/2017
oh this story, I dont think you are around anymore, but I must say, this could have been better than the show. This is without a doubt, one of my favorite fan fiction stories ever, amazing job
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