Reviews for Haunted
Sakurita 94 chapter 7 . 4/12/2012
Hi there! I've just read the first story in the series and now I'm with this on. I must say I really, really like them, they are really funny )

Now, I think you may need to re-read what you write, because sometimes you put commas out of place and miss question marks, which is a pity since it is such a nice story
DoofGirl9 chapter 16 . 11/26/2011

I don't know of you were aware of the fact, but you just made an AVPM reference!

You my friend, are a win!

Love R
UMG8031 chapter 20 . 8/1/2011
Thank god everyone is ok. I was so worried. It seems Amber learned her lesson from this though. I'm glad to see she is finally giving up divination. She is absolutely correct in saying that somethings aren't meant to be understood.

Wow! Amber really does have a 'thing' for Remus. The part where Remus helps her with her bleeding nose and she hugs him is SO damn cute! They are adorable together! Remus needs a girlfriend. *wink*

The hug scene with Sirius and James had me cracking up. Let it be Sirius to lighten the mood. Haha.

I'm still in shock that James and Sirius are both reincarnated. Just wow!

You foreshadowed when Remus was talking about Andromeda being pregnant because of course she's pregnant with Remus' future wife! Bahahaha! Love it, but it did make my heart break a little bit.

Why the hell did Peter have to pass and make it into third year? Damn it! lol

AWWWWW! The final scene was awesome! And Amber knows they're the Muraders now! Yay! She fits so well into their crew! The boys and Amber sure did end the year with a bang! Nice!

I can't believe this is the last chapter and I cannot wait for the next story!
UMG8031 chapter 19 . 8/1/2011
Lupin as the commentator for the Quidditch matches is downright hysterical! I always get a kick out of him because he's always saying something he shouldn't. I can just hear Professor McGonagall yelling at him constantly. Too funny! lol

Yay! Gryffindor wins the quidditch cup! And the fact that it was against the Slytherins is even more satisfying! :D

I so wish Peter would get held back. *glares* It would make me oh-so happy! Gah, I just can't stand him. I promise I'm not bias, just bitter. lmao

Ok, I'd rather die than go up in front of the class with a pink tutu on and sing 'I'm A Little Teapot'. But Peter SO deserved it! LMAO Gotta love revenge! *snickers*

OOOOOOOOOO! Amber is sweet on Remus? Wow! That's actually a surprise. I didn't see that coming. Like wham! And it's there! Love it! Aw! So cute! Remy's got a secret admirer. ;) Sounds like Sirius does too tho! Hehe.

I have go to say that Remus' response to Sirius telling him that Amber likes him irked me. Of course he'd go straight to his looks, etc. Grr! Yay! Thank you Sirius! Yes, not everyone cares about looks!

Please don't torture Sirius by making him go stay with his Aunt Bellatrix for the summer. UGH! As an author you're mean to your characters! lol

OMG! No Amber! Don't do it! Gah, why does she have to mess with it again? I'm really getting annoyed with her. But OMG, both Sirius and James and reincarnated! WOW! I did not see that one coming!
charli24 chapter 19 . 7/23/2011
Cant wait for the next chapter! :D
UMG8031 chapter 18 . 7/23/2011
The boys' homework time is always quite entertaining. It's just like boys to try to copy off one another. You have to laugh.

Hm, who does James remind me of? Oh yeah, myself! I wouldn't go to the doctor either even after not sleeping for three days. Not healthy, but convenient. lol

Quite the trial the boys gave Peter. I giggled like a school girl. Hilarious! Leave it to Sirius to suggest some sort of nudity as punishment. lol A pink tutu in the front of class while singing 'I'm A Little Teapot'. OMG...I'd rather fall off a bridge. Bahahaha!

Ok, talk about trying to give me a heart attack. When James screamed I kind of had a bit of a spaz attack.

I'm wondering what the scratch on James' side is. Huh? I have a theory.

WTH! James is being a total jerk! It's like it's not even him anymore. I'm SO confused and kinda scared! And then he punched Sirius...what! Please explain this soon or I might have to slap the info out of you. :P
UMG8031 chapter 17 . 7/9/2011
Do you have to announce to the whole world that I'm only just reading the HP books? It makes me sound like an idiot. LMFAO JK :P

Ohhhh we go again! James obsessing about something that Amber told him. Grr! *glares*

Was it just me or was the scene with Regulus extremely awkward? lol Regulus is so strange. You never know what he's going to do next. I will give him the benefit of the doubt tho for informing his brother of the awful letter coming.

Bellatrix is seriously rubbing on a raw nerve with me. That woman is INSANE! She has now right to threaten Sirius! How dare she! Let me at 'er...let me at 'er! lol

Hilarious dialogue..."I'm excited for Care of Magical Creatures," James said smirking. Remus looked at him waiting for him to finish. "Yeah, we need to know how to take care of our pet werewolf," Sirius finished. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Absolutely hysterical! I love it!

Can I just say it...'house broken'! Hahahaha!

My god does Remus make me laugh when he commentates on the Qudditch matches. He's absolutely perfect for the job. Hahahaha!

YAY! Gryffindor won! Oh yeah! :D

*whines obnoxiously* I want some butterbeer!
UMG8031 chapter 16 . 7/9/2011
If Snape pushed James into the lake I'll kill 'im myself! lol What a little jerk! Sure the boys have done some not nice things to him, but to go as far as pushing someone who can't swim into the lake is way too far! If it was him, he should be ashamed of himself!

I was worried what the teachers may have to say about the boys to their parents. I'm relieved they all got praised. Of course their behavior would have to be mentioned. How could it not, the brats! LOL Gotta love 'em!


Ok, what is up with Remus' parents. Something is wrong and the mystery is killing me. I hope everything is all right. Hmm...

Gah! Amber! I wish she'd stop putting all these crazy thoughts and ideas into James' head. Reincarnation! What?
MoonlightFirefly413 chapter 16 . 6/25/2011
Great chapter! Poor Sirius. And James... Can't wait for the next one.
UMG8031 chapter 15 . 6/22/2011
First of all, Peter really annoyed me in the first scene. I wanted to slap him. James was right when he said that doing something for someone else is much more important than fear. Amen brother! lol

Oh Lordy! I can totally picture Remus having hot chocolate before bed. Not a pretty site! LMAO

James first meeting with his counselor didn't seem to go well. I don't like the idea of parents forcing their children to do something. That's not fair.

The prank the boys played on Snape was hilarious! I laughed my arse off! Lily sure didn't seem as thrilled as I was tho. I really wish she'd realize Snape isn't a friend at all. He's a jerk!

Uh oh! What's going on with James? I need to know! UPDATED SOON!
UMG8031 chapter 14 . 6/20/2011
Aw! Thanks for the shout out my dear. You made my day. :)

I hate that Sirius wasn't allowed to spend Christmas break at Hogwarts with his friends. This irked me slightly. The holidays are supposed to be enjoyable, and I already know they won't be with the Blacks. Ugh!

The argument between Sirius and Remus had me laughing. The fight like an old married couple. lol

Nice alibi Sirius! WTG! I absolutely LOVE that Sirius was able to spend Christmas dinner with Andromeda. It definitely made things more enjoyable than they would have been at his Aunt Bellatrix place.

Andromeda's husband seems like a nice guy. We need more of those in the world. lol

OMG! Andromeda and Ted are expecting a baby? YAY!

Okay I about lost my lunch when Remus started talking about eating a bird. Ugh! Not a subject my stomach can handle. Yuck!

WTF is going on with James and his great cousin Harry? It sounds like some sort of reincarnation. WHAT?
UMG8031 chapter 13 . 6/12/2011
I really wish Amber Rose wouldn't have done that whole reading the future thing with the boys. It's freaked them out and I can understand why. Like I said, NOBODY should be able to read the future.

I'm glad the boys were able to get together and comfort each other about this whole thing. It's ridiculous!

I do love all the foreshadowing you're doing tho! Awesome!

OMG! The prank Remus played on James with Lily was hilarious! He just had to bring Lily in because he knew James couldn't resist. Wahoo! Remy and Peter won the bet! Yay!
UMG8031 chapter 12 . 6/12/2011
Haha! The boys are starting to crack. Damn! That must be one stinky room! And I wouldn't want to go anywhere near the boys without a close pin on my nose. Ew!

Wow! How cruel of the boys to do that to Minnie, but hysterical at the same time. I can only picture her face when Sirius said, "Minnie think we're gross!" She was like horrified that she made the boys cry. HILARIOUS! The boys must really need a shower if people are beginning to smell their B.O. lmao

Oh god! Now James and Sirius have to sleep in mud. Gross! I'd rather lose the bet than sleep in mud. Forget it! lol

Okay...Amber Rose reminds me of a creepy version of Luna Lovegood (sp). I didn't like the scene with her because I believe nobody should be able to tell the future. *shivers*
UMG8031 chapter 11 . 6/12/2011
Oh boy! Sirius and James are going to be in SO much trouble. You don't touch Remus' chocolate and get away with a punishment.

Wow! Remus really was angry. Haha. The boys deserved it tho. That was Remus' chocolate and you DO NOT touch it unless you have a death wish! I can only imagine what Remus' revenge is going to be! *rubs hands together vigorously* I cannot wait! ;)

Peter needed to hear that speech from his friends. He is lucky to have a brother. A lot of only children feel very lonely because they never have anyone to talk to. Glad the boys made Peter understand that.
MoonlightFirefly413 chapter 14 . 6/11/2011
Great chapter! Can't wait for the next one!
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