Reviews for Son Plus Grand Désir
bill chapter 1 . 5/2/2013
hate it
idreamofdraco chapter 1 . 6/11/2011
This is a very interesting look at Pansy. The side you see of her through Harry's eyes seems to be this catty girl who just makes fun of others, and you can tell that she likes Draco through the little things she says and does throughout the series. I like how this expands on those feelings that you only get a glimpse of. Maybe it's a cliche idea, but I can see her thinking this if she and Draco had been betrothed, and he'd always been a sure thing in her life, something that she's always wanted because he was always hers. And in the books, you can tell that Draco maybe only tolerates her, might not reciprocate those feelings. So whether he leaves Pansy for Ginny, or just because he's uninterested, his leaving would still be devastating to Pansy, who has always had this dream, this sure thing. And then it's gone. :P

Anyway. I guess what I'm trying to say is, the way you've written this, this short look into Pansy's mind at some point her life, a reader can definitely create their own story for Pansy. Or none is needed at all, because it's just a glimpse into her character, a side of her people might not have thought of. This is very bittersweet in that regard, since we don't know what has happened to her to make her feel this way.

There is potential for a story. Maybe you should write one for her. ~_
CommanderCatbug chapter 1 . 4/3/2011
This was...interesting. I wish it has been a bit longer.
DoubleCaramel chapter 1 . 3/30/2011
This an interesting perspective on Pansy.

I love how you structured the paragraphs and told us how she felt about Draco and how she always saw them ending together. . . At the same time you don't reveal the reality she lives in (Is she with him? Does he love her?) or his opinion on her which, for me, is what makes this piece stronger.

It's all about her. About how she wants him and about how she wants him to want her.

I like how you show her vulnerable side (so desperate for his love), but manage to still portray her as the snobby, bitchy girl we love.

Well, I LOVE Pansy - paired with everybody and their cousin. I think she is seriously underrated.

. . . Oh, well, I'm rambling. Apologies. _~
chkn chapter 1 . 3/30/2011
I've never really thought of Pansy as a person, which sounds weird, I know I just never really saw her with feelings, with a story to back her shallow exterior. I think you did it well, and this is how I imagine her feeling, she wants, wants what doesn't want her. Simple as that.

I think you could rally expand on this, maybe with other characters. I hope you do, expand on it, I'll definitely be here to read it.

No real constructive to give you though my dear, I'll try find a flaw with your other stories shall I? ;)

Loved it.
Lionorelle chapter 1 . 3/13/2011
Very nicely written,! I'm lost for words. I really liked this. :]