Reviews for Introspection
Vampiric Phantoms chapter 3 . 3/12/2006
I always felt the same way except I think she did hate him in the beginning. But as time went on she grew to love him but she continued to push the feeling away. When he finally ran away, I think, it hit her full force that she truly did love him.

This was a great story.
InfiniteAnomaly chapter 3 . 3/15/2005
very nice. i haven't yet read susan kay's book, but i just managed to win a copy on ebay. this was a very lovely piece. sad, but beautiful. great job.


Dody chapter 3 . 5/6/2002
A really heartbreaking story! Aw, that poor boy... A really tragic figure. *sniff*
Gryff chapter 3 . 3/31/2002
Powerful stuff yet again and very sad...written very well too. Keep writing Blue and don't forget to let me know when you post new stuff, I'd love to read it!

Gryff chapter 2 . 3/31/2002
I'm really enjoying reading this, I like the way that you write very much.

Gryff chapter 1 . 3/31/2002
Beautifully written so far, I'm off to read the rest now!

prima-donna15 chapter 3 . 3/27/2002
*sniff* that part in Susan kay's novel always makes me want to cry. I can't believe you didn't more reviews! This is such a good story! I'm writing a nice long review here to make up for the lack of other reviews. It's nice that someone wrote a fic from Erik's point of view. I always wondered how Erik felt at that point in time. I, too, believe he did not hate his mother. After he ran away he even said he ran away to make her happy. As he got holder he began to hide his true feelings from himself. All in all, I loved it! It was absolutley beautiful! I promise I will read your other fic and review it right now!

Keep writing!
prima-donna15 chapter 1 . 3/25/2002
wow, this is good! Are u going to add anymore to it?