Reviews for Pirates Can't Love
jkhcfvlfk chapter 1 . 5/12/2018
that's all I gotta say
Thefabulousme chapter 9 . 6/7/2017
Ldrmas chapter 5 . 9/13/2014
I bet Alfred would change his tune about staying if Arthur told him the truth about his family.
Ldrmas chapter 2 . 9/13/2014
Alfred wake up u are very lucky! U still have your life Aurther won't touch your family that's way better than any other pirate. Your 19 you can deal with sex cause if u escape it won't mean anything. Not that you will because we all know u will love Aruthur in the end.
Guest chapter 9 . 6/15/2014
no it had to be finished! :(
britishempire1994 chapter 9 . 11/6/2013
I would love to rp something similar to this story! It's simply amazing!
HCKlilylou chapter 6 . 10/6/2013
Ok, Mr. Writer, please read this and PM me to clarify this.
He fucking killed his family and sold his brother to a pirate , and he wants to stay with him in the end..
Is that correct?
Well heres my take on your cute romance:
Thats fucking twisted and wrong on so many levels...He fucking stabbed him twice for fucks sake! Not to mention raped him. (and why alfred "liked" it, also bothered me to a certain degree).
I've stopped reading this at the point where Alfred "begged" to stay with him, because of these reasons, and really don't know why I've chosen to bitch about this, other than the fact that I was just infuriated by your twisted and strange perspective on love, so urgh... I just feel as if I wasted an hour of my life and studying time for this bullshit.
Thank you, and please refrain from falling in love with people who try to kill your family.
I really don't know why I've chosen to be rude, and I apologize comprehensively in advance.
HCKlilylou chapter 5 . 10/6/2013
Alfred should hate Arthur, not use him to make threats... :/ idk that was really out of character for him is all and it made me angry for some reason..
Guest chapter 6 . 3/20/2013
I love you I love you I love you. That is all I have to say. BEST UKUS EVER!
southparkyaoifan chapter 9 . 7/17/2012
aww you discontinued this i loved it hmm i might add you on MSN i like to rp if your this good i dont like noobs at rping
ForeverJinx chapter 9 . 6/27/2012
DX no story don't die! *cry*
aphrodite931 chapter 4 . 4/13/2012
...Ok, so the only reason that I'm reading this story is honestly because I'm more perverted than I'd like to admit. But that is regardless of what I'm about to say.

So, I've been stewing over this for some time and finally worked up the nerve to leave a review but honestly, what was Ms. Jones thinking when she let Mathew go? I am no mother myself but I know that if I had two sons and one was slave to a pirate and the other with me and then said pirate was going to take my other child as payment I would be like, "Ahh, hell no!" I will concede that you did have her fight back but even with a gun to my head and my sons I would still say no because I wouldn't be able to LIVE if he was taken so I might as well fight and let them kill me. Seriously, thinking about what Arthur does to Alfred and what would happen to my weaker son, I couldn't go on. It's not a matter of will or won't but of can't.

I'd commit suicide if my children were forcibly taken from me in such a manner and I had no viable means to get them back in all honestly. Just what would be the point in living knowing that my children were being brutalized. If I did live, it would be a hollow life and all I would do is go through the motions like some kind of zombie. But rather than any of that, if I were in Ms. Jones position, I'd tell Kirkland that yes, my son might be taken from me no matter what I do and that by resisting I may die, but none of that would get the chance to happen before I made his head into a canoe. So, what did he want to do, die at worst, be injured at best all for the sake of one child? Just ugh! I can't believe she agreed and let it happen in the end! I would have shot him, not caring what happens next.

Also, I super hate Arthur and Alfred's relationship. I understand Arthur is a pirate and there is shit about going soft but it's BS. I've never read any historical books about the concern of a pirate captain going soft. They generally had multiple captains who changed throughout the year through democratic processes so yeah. Also, it is just so dysfunctional. Like I said, yes, I know Arthur is a pirate and is supposed to be all big and bad but really? Why even have him admit to loving Alfred when he treats him the way he does. I'd rather have him say I have no feelings for you whatsoever.

Futhermore, I can't believe Alfred and his family accepts him being a slave the way that they do, "Oh, are there papers that say that I'm(Alfred) a slave? ...Yes, ok. Guess I'm(Alfred) a slave. Well that sure as hell sucks." Really? Just because there is paper work everyone is willing to acknowledge it? If I had a paper saying that the U.S. belonged to me does that mean that it does? No! You can't actually own a person and if I were a slave that's what I would think. Now I'm not saying that myself or any other slave would forget their position because I sure as hell wouldn't and history shows us others didn't either but I would always know that under God, in nature I am free and that these shackles that bind me and these people who claim to owe me are wrong. And, at the very least, while my physical body may be able to bound and restrained, my soul cannot and lastly, if I was to be made a slave, I think I would kill myself because typically don't have a good life. Particularly the sex slave ones.

Anyway, yeah. That's the end of my rant. I don't mean to be cruel or anything, just vocal. Sorry and please keep writing because I know other people and even myself enjoy this story.
ForeverJinx chapter 8 . 3/10/2012
When are updates coming?

I really want to know what happens to Arthur and his cutie Alfred XD
Just-Another-Yaoi-Fangirl chapter 8 . 2/16/2012
I LOVE this fic so much! You actually managed to transform my best friend from a USUK hater to USUK fangirl (though, she's to stuborn to admit it and instead calls herself a "PCL fan" which is probably an even bigger compliment)

As for the update...Well I'm kind of late, and I don't think that I'd be much help anyway but you have plenty of other reviewers and I'm sure that there some good authors out there who would be willing to help you out if you're still looking for it :)
AcursedRagdoll chapter 8 . 12/29/2011
HI I saw the update and id love to help if you wanna see my work check out the first chap of my story and i do have a skype and im open to skype after school and weekends i have read the story thus far and would like to help
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