Reviews for Husbands and Wives
bowlfullofcherries chapter 8 . 1/5
Seriously good stuff. I like your writing style and characterizations.
bowlfullofcherries chapter 2 . 1/5
Excellent start. Haven’t watched this in a while but your story makes me want to.
f U n N i E b O n E s 2K chapter 12 . 2/10/2014
Your research has paid off, this is the only well-written Wives and Daughters fandom out there. Difficult for women out there at the time, to spend all of their lives protecting their virtues, and all in one instant, be expected to bear fruit, and you have depicted that struggle so well. I know I have discovered your work three years after publication, but I want to give you credit, where it is due. Good work.
bloodredcherry chapter 11 . 2/5/2014
The lead up to the final chapter was wonderful, I cannot wait to read the final chapter.
bloodredcherry chapter 4 . 2/5/2014
Hooray! I have to remind myself to review, instead of just reading straight on to the end. I have so enjoyed this story so far, you have the characters spot on!
bloodredcherry chapter 1 . 2/5/2014
This is a story that I have been hoping for, for AGES! This has so many feels, and it was perfect. I absolutely agree that Molly would likely be sick and tired of being good and reliable. It will be very interesting to see where you take this.
AnneBronteRocks chapter 12 . 1/7/2014
I am embarrassed at how long it has taken me to write you a review. I've read and re-read this story a dozen times since I discovered it a few months ago. It's really hard to try to write in the style of someone from over one hundred years ago. It's also really hard to write sex scenes well and tastefully, with the added difficulty of capturing the ways in which people thought about sex close to two hundred years ago. You've done really well on all counts. After the wedding night, my favorite section was the Squire's "sex-ed" lecture to Roger. You really captured his voice. You really captured everyone's voices. Thank you very much for this story.
BelleLitteraire chapter 12 . 11/1/2013
This is a beautiful end to the story. I re-watched the '99 adaptation just last night and came away wondering about the missing moments between the proposal in the rain and their arrival in Africa, and you've done a wonderful job filling those moments. You get the tone just right, down to the speech mannerisms and characters of their fathers, and especially the period details you've obviously researched. All the imaginings about sex and the advice they get are naturally drawn but also doesn't feel contemporary, but rather stays within the period. The wedding night, on the surface seems "talky," but I think you got that right-for their open and frank conversation about their thoughts and feelings are another kind of intimacy and it strikes a good balance for the physical intimacy later. It is difficult to write sex well but you've done a great job.
Jade Lotus chapter 12 . 11/9/2012
Great job! I loved your portrayal of Roger and Molly-You stayed true to the characters and developed their relationship beautifully.
Celtic-Memories chapter 12 . 11/16/2011
Brilliant story! I love the communication between the two. Nothing was over-done or out of character and the use of poetry and terms in that era made everything fit perfectly.
MyMadness chapter 12 . 11/16/2011
Electric. Well and richly written, yes. And circumspect in lovely ways. BUT electric most of all. Thank you.
Zachary-Goode13 chapter 12 . 7/26/2011
Please update. Its been a few months I can't take the wait anymore. Would you have the step sister come to dine with them or something before there honey moon with whe hole family? Id just like to see how he acts around her. I love molly and roger together there an amazing couple. But no one wrote of them except you and your story is better then most on fanfiction its terrific. I love it but I can't wait any logner I love this story to much. Please update? Please please please? For your fans?
treehuggingbran7 chapter 12 . 5/26/2011
That's it you've killed me. How can I read other ff when you write like this? I can no longer read any other ff without comparing them to yours. You've ruined me and I think I rather like it! THis is beyond amazing. So well written and again so hot hot hot! I LOVE ROGER!
treehuggingbran7 chapter 8 . 5/26/2011
I think I might have died and gone to heaven. OMG, it was great! Amazing! Roger is so passionate - I mean you can tell from watching the BBC version but seriously the way you write it completely matches his personality. This is amazingly awesome. So freaking hot and delicious! Great job as always!
treehuggingbran7 chapter 7 . 5/26/2011
This chapter was hot incredibly hot! I think I might have to turn on the A/C. Again great job!
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