Reviews for Vague
Masquerade Baby chapter 1 . 9/9/2011
lmao! Monopoly? really? Loved it! (:
Crazzy Catwoman chapter 1 . 8/31/2011
I really liked, hahaha James was very frightened of what supposedly they doeth, though, It was all very innocent, LOL

Good story! Thank you for writing D
Samael chapter 1 . 4/16/2011
this was really cute.

i'd love to see more. not necessarily a sequel, but perhaps a few other incidents among the boys where they do such things. jokes, teases, blunders and embarrassing silliness. i'm not asking for pairings either. gen is just fine. i think you write well, and think this "vague" theme could take a nice run. it's clever and amusing.

i do wish there waas a little more elaboration at the end. james's sudden turning to that vengeance is a bit jarring, and there isn't much of a reaction from logan - that could have been more amusing. but i really loved this and im voting for more "vague" moments between the boys.
slivermoon.nightmare chapter 1 . 3/5/2011
I like this a lot :)
lavillalover chapter 1 . 2/28/2011
Omg haha lol... I sound annoying... Anyways just wanted to say nice fic haha James is a perv. Also I am recommending you to my moms house fanfic her name is melraemorgan. Yes my mom introduced me to fanfiction. If only she knew how much havoc it would reek ( I don't even think I've fraised that right)