Reviews for Swap Our Places
Aeryn Levia chapter 1 . 7/22
This was so good! I wondered why I'd never seen this Jess and Becker story before, but that's because it's a new one! That was so exciting. :-) I loved all the things leading up to the bomb scene. It's always fun to drive into the details the show didn't include. The reason Jess left the car was perfectly simple but legitimate, and switching the bomb to being computer controlled was brilliant.
And yes, you should keep writing more fan fiction. :-)
GumihoGold chapter 1 . 4/13/2014
Very cute!
Dherea chapter 1 . 11/1/2012
Nice twist on the original. Love the building relationship between Becker & Jess...
Martin-J-Christopher-Freeman chapter 1 . 7/15/2012
I Love this! Beautifully written.
Mijo54 chapter 1 . 3/19/2012
je trouve cette histoire excellente et autant que je puisse en juger au travers d'un traducteur très bien écrite !

l'idée de changer les places des deux protagonistes est géniale !

Becker se débrouille aussi bien avec un ordinateur que Jess avec un détonateur !

j'aime bien le Becker protecteur de la fin de l'histoire !

je déplore que vous n'ayez écrit que 2 histoires pour Primeval et je suis certaine,d'après ma propre expérience qu'il y plus de personnes qui ont lu vos histoires que celles qui ont laissé des commentaires!

j'espère à bientôt de vous lire !
tripwatcher2 chapter 1 . 1/26/2012
Very clever! Wonderful idea of reversing their roles in this episode! And you did a terrific job of keeping them in character and showing us the tenderness and affection they have for each other. Loved it!
YouHaveLovelyHair chapter 1 . 11/27/2011
Oh wow - that was fabulous too! I've got goosebumps! :D
we've got an anomaly chapter 1 . 11/23/2011
squeee i love these two!
Hidden Relevance chapter 1 . 6/28/2011
Oh man incredibly well thought out fic! Definitely still had the overall feel of the ep while still turning it totally on it's head. Just awesome job!
renisanz chapter 1 . 2/28/2011
Oh, this was brilliant. I really loved how you reversed their roles in from what happened in the episode. The scene with Jess and Becker in the car after she brought the Chinese food was such a delight to many feelings. I love the way you got into both of their heads and portrayed their respective insecurities, Becker at letting his guard down and that possibly affecting his ability to protect Jess, and Jess feeling guilty about not being good enough at her job.

And then Becker trying to diffuse the bomb... it was great to see that different side of him, being totally out of his element with a a completely computerized detonator. Lovely work. :)

LOVED the ending scene with them curled up on the cot.
angel chapter 1 . 2/28/2011
totally cool , very well done swaping charcters . plus they stayed very true to canon which is hard to find . loved it :-)
Sahara Rose 101 chapter 1 . 2/28/2011
Wow. That was really good :D. The characterisation was brilliant and I love how you reversed their positions. It was really well done :D
Annie chapter 1 . 2/28/2011
That was lovely, and it actually made me wish that had been the episode!
TopsyTurvyTasha chapter 1 . 2/28/2011
I think you should totally write more Becker/Jess because this is just brilliant.

It's just so beautifully written. When I opened the fic, I expected it to be a literal turning of the tables, action sort of fic, with no emotional writing, i don't know why I just got the feeling it would be.

But obviously I was wrong, I love the dynamics of how you developed the car scene, I thought it was so cute and I totally pictured it in my head. I cannot write a fic that does justice to how wonderfully executed this story is. Seriously, it was just brilliant and I really hope to see more Becker/Jess (or Primeval fic in general) from you. :)
Raeni12345 chapter 1 . 2/28/2011
Wow, that was really great. You got the characterization, and the motivations and guilt of each character down really well.

You also made Jess finding the bomb into a plausible scenario. When I first read the summary, I wondered how you were going to do it, since there was no way that Becker would have allowed Jess into Ethan's apartment first, but the new situations made it work, believably.

Great job overall. I am very impressed.
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