Reviews for Hashashin
SkyWolf12 chapter 16 . 5/14
Ooooo a great end to a great story. A little too much swearing, but it was a critical part in the whole point of the story. Sooooo I can deal with it.
I do not appreciate any drugs, alcohol, or swearing, so this has meaning, and I like it no matter how much of those things it had.
Thank you for writing this incredible story! :)
TheKPFan chapter 16 . 11/27/2019
Great story, but there are a few loose ends like what happened with Ron's "friends" and the aftermath?
wildbeast1498 chapter 4 . 10/25/2019
That was probably one of the funniest scenes I’ve ever read on this site. All I kept thinking about was the camera spinning in a circle like in That 70’s Show! It was hilarious!
Guest chapter 6 . 7/27/2018
The broncos? Cmon they suck booty, couldn’t have chosen anothe teams that’s good
Guest chapter 1 . 1/23/2018
Wow! kim cheats and ron and he just brushes it under the rug like that was not a big deal? Talking about terrible writing and a kim tard, either you are a woman? Or your some dumb man for writing this story. He don't move on either. Because of your for kim, you ruin a good potential story.
Gold Testament chapter 7 . 9/14/2017
And no more high stakes missions with his friends. Two of them were completely incompetent just getting high.
Gold Testament chapter 6 . 9/14/2017
Well one of them is like a super genius possibly rivaling Wade.
Gold Testament chapter 3 . 9/14/2017
Ron's life is taking a positive turn at the moment.
romeosami7 chapter 16 . 1/7/2017
what the fuckpeople walk over you and you lick their boots? Ron, not cool.
romeosami7 chapter 16 . 1/7/2017
my heart will always be with Kim. this is why he stays a loser, it's by choice, unwilling to accept reality, to move on, to be mature.
Guest chapter 16 . 1/5/2015
I really really want to find a fanfic where Ron goes dark and goes on a killing spree. This was interesting but too bland for my taste.
Guest chapter 16 . 1/5/2015
I think this fanfic was too rushed for my taste, but the plot was interesting. I am now going to check out some of your other fanfics.
Kount Xero chapter 11 . 3/10/2013
Without reading the rest of the chapter: was that a "Basketball Diaries" reference you snuck in there?

Wait, was that a "Red vs Blue" reference, with the bread?

Oh yeah, did I mention that I've been skipping the whole stoner-group-banter thing? I hang out with stoners about half the time, and since they form my basis for the whole "stoner" thing, and are pretty docile, cool guys, it kinda clashes.

But it might be that I read these things for some quality Kim-Ron angst and relationship deconstructions, so yeah. On that front, you're pretty good - the whole "Kim breaks up with Ron and then immediately regrets it" is a common theme in KP fanfics, but it's generally treated, as you do here, with seriousness, because it's more likely than the fairy-tale ending thing.

I'm reading with earnest.
RangerMarcusCole chapter 16 . 12/19/2012
All in all a good story. for me it had to end with them together as I am a huge Kim/Ron fan so I am glad it did cuz I was worried a few times but you pulled it threw. My only big issue is the unresolved nature of how Ron and KP make it work with them living in 2 diff towns. sure they can drive but Upperton aint down the block how do they manage not seeing each other every day and if they do see each other so often how, where do they get the time. Anyway that's just my one gripe other then that I liked it as a whole.
FERNANDE5 chapter 16 . 12/13/2012
Nice story man
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