Reviews for Who I Am Hates Who I've Been
Concolor44 chapter 1 . 7/25/2011
Since I was unfamiliar with the song this fic is based on, I called it up on Youtube.

Very nice. I didn't really know much about Relient-K, but I think now I'll check out some of their other stuff. The official video for WIAHWIB was really ... I'm trying to think of a word that isn't cliche ("cool" doesn't go far enough) ... I suppose "thought-provoking" will do. How people handle life's little screw-ups, you know? I know that if I COULD go back in time, there are a few places where I would find myself, slap myself hard with a rolled-up newspaper, and say, "No! Bad Clint! Don't be stupid!"

This fic was also thought-provoking. Terra is a very complex character, not the one-dimensional 'portal of evil' that so many fic-writers make her out to be. I explored some of her other sides in my novel, 'Transition', and I'm a long way from finished with her.

This is one of the better song-fics I've read.
aerieljade chapter 1 . 4/22/2011
Wow! I can review my stories? I didn't know that... Umm I mean great work KittyKatTitan! Lol! I have no reviews so im reviewing my own story! Please anyone review? :/ I'll give yew a cyber cookie! ;) - your friendly neighborhood KittyKatTitan :)