Reviews for The Unspoken Connection
JazmineLovejoy chapter 6 . 4/28
Fantastic story-one of my favorites, if I'm honest. Would you consider writing a sequel to this?
DracoIsLife chapter 6 . 2/8
This is my first HP x Twilight crossover and I love it so much! Honestly, I would’ve loved to keep reading this and get to see Hermione’s transformation and life as a vampire / witch. Will definitely read your other crossovers and kudos to you for making this work so seamlessly
emmabrady chapter 5 . 1/7
Oh I hope you write more to this... this is really bloody good
Kushka chapter 6 . 9/18/2019
Good story
FireDragon's flame chapter 6 . 1/28/2019
this was very enjoyable to read. thanks for sharing it.
Westcoast222 chapter 6 . 1/6/2019
Love all of this.
emmabrady chapter 6 . 1/2/2019
I like the story, but I would to know what happens next...
Does jasper turn hermione.. If so when...?!
Does harry join hermione.. or does he stay with ginny..?!
Does the volturi become a problem..?!

I hope you write more soon...
Shola2001 chapter 6 . 9/5/2018
Fantastic story, love it. Adore the Hermione Jasper pairing.
dark m00n angel chapter 6 . 12/23/2017
really great story please update soon
Owl-Girl-0072 chapter 5 . 11/7/2017
Where are they going?
Will Hermione be a vampire?
Will Jasper turn her?
I just love how you incorporated Jasper's accent into the story.

I just wonder how your going to do the Salvatore accent, when you
Well, that's why you must read first, and make crossovers next.
Owl-Girl-0072 chapter 4 . 11/7/2017
Mungdungus is such a coward.
Also earlier on I saw that thing about Bella Swan.
Is Edward not with Bella?
Or is Edward with Alice?
Cause Since Jasper was with Hermione,
and Rosalie with Emmett.
Owl-Girl-0072 chapter 3 . 11/7/2017
If that's the case why not just sneak out now?
I mean if your 'mates' with someone,
You should care for them with all your heart.
Meaning you would do anything for them.

The Salvatore Boys are very protective and tend to fall for the same girls.
And whenever that happens there is always a fight for the girl.
Usually the girl dies in the fight though,
Trying to stop the two vampires from tearing apart each other and the world in the process.
Owl-Girl-0072 chapter 6 . 11/7/2017
I wonder where they are going?
To Isle Esme or whatever it's called?
Can't wait for your next stories.
If you're still writing.
Owl-Girl-0072 chapter 2 . 11/5/2017
Now that you mention it, They would make a great couple,
Just not in a physical sense.
They are basically love-sicken pen-pals.
Not that it's bad, it just funny thinking about.
Either that or I'm going crazy...

...Which is actually pretty likely, now that you mention it...
Owl-Girl-0072 chapter 1 . 11/5/2017
Jasper doesn't act like himself, but I don't mind.
They would be OK together.
I mean there ARE other VAMPIRES that could do better.

For Example; Both Damon and Stephan are good candidates.
Damon's more brawn, but Stephan is logical.
Both of them are super cute
Being a Vampire and all.
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