Reviews for Dark Car on Rainy Streets
greek myths chapter 1 . 6/11/2012
you gave me chills!
1Styx and Stones1 chapter 1 . 10/20/2011
Am I allowed to review something months late?

Oh, well. I will, because this was- I don't actually have words right now, honestly.

The style was incredible - simultaneously choppy and smooth, with the jagged shards of her memories and the beautiful, beautiful chaos of her conversation with Tali. I think you broke my heart a little bit.

Fantastic work. Terribly beautiful. Well done.
Only Emma chapter 1 . 7/8/2011
Oh my gosh that was awsome! My head was spinning thr whole time and the way you described everything was just...haunting. Gotta love the tiva ending too :)
AliyahNCIS chapter 1 . 2/23/2011
first of all I'm completely impressed that you wrote this. it's all so twisted and confusing and probably exactly what would happen in your head if you were in a coma. gee whiz! great job.

of course, loved the last paragraph where Z wakes up and we find out she's married to Tony. so cute! especially seeing him worried about her. very good.
ChEmMiE chapter 1 . 2/22/2011
Really really loved it! I had a feeling she was 'dead/dying' all along, but very well written! And original :)
Different Child chapter 1 . 2/22/2011
Can I sum this up in one word? A-fucking-mazing! You are one helluvan author! I am in awe and pleased. It was indeed confusing but by the end it made complete sense. Now I understand. The end cleared it up. I was wrapped up in it the whole time, ignoring any conversation or such things around me. I was so entranced! I love when that happens! DDD Please write more! I would love to see more from you. You are amazing! I will look at whatever else you have written now! You are very cryptic ( which I like) and descriptive. Huzzah!
Alidiabin chapter 1 . 2/22/2011
Wow! Excellent fic, so in deapth and beautiful. Well done.
AliviaAlise chapter 1 . 2/22/2011
Holy crap. That was so...indescribably good. The emotions...I feel like I've just exploded. Lol. There is not much I can say other than wow. I love your format for this- it reminds me so much of my dreams (whether or not that's how you wanted it to come across). The way you displayed that form of 'afterlife' and Tali, Ziva, and the deamons she possesses was incredibly unique and I think this must have been a very interesting piece to piece together in itself. I really hope to have as much talent as you one day!

ncistwin2 chapter 1 . 2/22/2011
Oh. My. Gosh. That was soooo amazing and beautilful!