Reviews for Cry me a River
MorWolfMor chapter 17 . 12/3/2011
Ooh, I really like this story :D great job so far 0 I can't wait for the next chapter :)

floridapanther28 chapter 17 . 12/3/2011
Rape play. Lovely, Naty. Real lovely. xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Aw, this chapter was pretty cute~! Except Vaughn was a bit OOC, y'know? I mean, he isn't one to talk to anyone. Even if he's locked in a room with only one person. XD
MagicalSquaresOfDarkness chapter 17 . 12/3/2011
Lol whut.

XD it's okay. I tend to babble in real life... Maybe that's why I can never hold up a conversation... *blinks blankly*

Oh yeah! "Let's press the rape play button! :D it'll be fuuun~"

"o.o no thanks..."

And I love how Julia has this big master plan and she just shouts "dropped the key! :3"

saphren chapter 17 . 12/3/2011
nobody would need to request for more Julia scenes cos if ppl wanted a Vaughn x Chelsea scene, Julia is a necessary. wonder if this replay would last for long~
Animefan111 chapter 16 . 10/5/2011
oh read this and couldnt help but laugh throughout each chapter

had so many funny moments xD and the moments between vaughnxchelsea was interesting hahaha

I am quite curious when vaughn will appear xD I wonder if he will ever remember it hahaha or slowly he will remember I mean come on this is vaughn were talking ossim man hahaha

anyhoo cant wait for the next chapter :D

floridapanther28 2lazy 2 login chapter 16 . 9/16/2011
OK, my anonymous reviewer name basically says who I am, I think _ XD Dang, you've only been on this site for 6 months? But you write so great! I envy you... -_- You need to stop writing, Naty. Whenever I read something you wrote, I frown at the end since I get jealous XD

Just teasing you pal! PLEASE KEEP WRITING!

Jeez I am bipolar today.

I think my second period teacher's personality rubbed off on me XD

Anyways, back to the subject, um... d' aw! POOR ELLIO! :'( He and Julia are soooooooo uber cute together, and even though I think Julia is awesome, I gotta love the character bashin :D
HopelessxDreams chapter 16 . 9/8/2011

when will Vaughn come again?D:

update soon btw.

This story is lovely it's not like the others real unique (:
HopelessxDreams chapter 1 . 9/8/2011
I agree with the bubbly attitude and all. Julia and Mirabelle always seem to come close to Chelsea to. This is different in a good way (:
saphren chapter 16 . 9/7/2011
I VOTE FOR MARK! but in doesn't match a church... poor Vaughn... it is a very Vaughn thing to do but i feel like he got censored or Chelsea was too lazy to draw the face. Shea got his five lines of screen time. sad cos he is so innocent. Julia with brown hair... o.O
PanicChord chapter 16 . 9/7/2011
Cool! I like how there will be a picture of everyone :) And Vaughn walking away :D
Ayara012 chapter 16 . 9/7/2011
*blinks* Julia really is the MEANING of dumb blond at times, isnt she? Lol. anyway, WRITE FASTER!
Harvest Moon Fanatic chapter 15 . 8/15/2011
Awesome Fanfic! I love it! But I noticed I haven't seen Vaughn for a longgggg while. I want to see him! Bring him back soon, so I can steal him away XD

"And so I swung my axe and cut off his head. (JOKE! Joke, joke, joke, that did NOT happen, LOL!)" Aha! My friend and I were reading it and laughed our heads off at 2 in the morning at that! But really, I honestly love it. And it's hard to get me to read a fanfic, and yours really captured my eyes.
floridapanther28 not logged in chapter 4 . 8/3/2011
LOL just realized that the title of this story is a Justin Timberlake song... DAMMIT! Gee, thanks. Now you have the music video of sexyback stuck in my head, except with Vaughn in it! LOL! I dare you to look up that song: Sexyback.

Was the Cry Me a River title a coincidence? If it was, then you may want to tell everybody that :) gyahaha don't want ya to get sued, buddy! :D

(I'm bringin sexy back... these mutha ****ers don't know how to act... get your sexy on) SORRY! It's stuck in my head now o_O Eh, at least Friday isnt stuck in my head lol That would be torture! X_X
floridapanther28 chapter 15 . 8/2/2011
This is great! I'm sorry to hear that your computers got viruses... :'(

I love this story! Isn't Elliot the sexy little nerd! LOL. :) I'm basically a fangirl of all of the SI bachelors except for Pierre. I, like, tower above him.

You should make Chelsea say to him, "are the earthworms okay?"

:D Your name's Natasha! FINALLY! I feel so accomplished now :3 Natasha. I think I'll call you Nat. Yeesh, I sound like Im naming a puppy! -.- Sorry, budd. Gotcha on story alert! :D
floridapanther28 chapter 11 . 8/2/2011
Gyahaha! This was based off of Vaughnie's heart event, right? :D Ahaha Lanna's hilarious. I'm sorry you had to move! :( Feel better, kay? Also, I think that Vaughn was pretty much in character except for the fact that I think he's a bit more shy than he is mean, but whatev.

Us fangirls REFUSE to acknowledge ANY flaws in our men! :D 3
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