Reviews for Your Seared Lips Say
wild.mindreader chapter 1 . 9/23
I hope you’re ok! Thank you for writing this
WhyAmIHere69 chapter 10 . 6/14
Damn. Gonna be honest, I didnt think you were gonna be one of the good writers on this platform, but, just, wow. This was funny and had a good plot. I know you aren't on this site anymore, but just know, you made my day. Have a safe 2020.
late to the part chapter 10 . 3/30
I know you posted this ages ago but i still read it sometimes... Just finished reading it for the third time, in fact.
Anyway this is one of my favorite Creek fics and. I wanted to share my appreciation
INLOVEWITHTHIS chapter 10 . 8/25/2018
Goddamn it, I have never loved anything this hard in my life. I just need to say, bless you. Bless you and your soul, your writing, and your potrayal of Creek. I don't think you're on here anymore, but I just want to say (in case you ever do see this) that god, you're good. You probably already know this, but god-! Your vocabulary choices were interesting, expressive, and complex, I had to look up a bunch of words (I actually learned from this-) and that was refreshing? Nice? Man though, I loved the plot of this thing, it's so interesting. It's so different and divergent from South Park, it could have been an original story, yet it still managed to not be out of character. I think that's rare in a fanfiction. It was all surprising, not too fast or slow paced, accurate characterization, original and comprehendable plot, and the fact that Craig's resoning for wearing a mask wasn't stupid (I expected it to be stupid, a lot of fanfictions have one scene or fact ruin everything, and Idon't have faith in anything. But you restored faith in me, faith that fanfictions can be perfect). Anyways, the point is, I hope you are out there, writing books or doing what you enjoy, and I hope I'll be able to come across your writing, or just anything you do in general, on the internet in the future. Please, keep doing what you're doing!
BonBons chapter 10 . 1/6/2018
Hello! It has been quite a few years since yo updated this, but, from what I've heard, it's always good to let people know you enjoyed something, no matter how late you did.

That being said, I adore your writing. I loved this fic throughout the entirety of the two hours it took me to read every chapter. I hope, some day, you continue with it. But I thoroughly enjoyed what is here.

I wish you good luck in all of your future writing endeavors!
HerBrokenSmile chapter 10 . 1/3/2018
Okay, just- First of all, wow, amazing. Second of all, why in the world did you stop writing this? Especially after Creek was confirmed! (I mean, if you're dead or something then I understand but...) Now I've read a GREAT fic in 2018 that hasn't been updated in ~6 years. I'm a little heartbroken right now, but grateful nonetheless.

One of, if not, THE best South Park fics I've read.
Nihi chapter 10 . 4/21/2017
I dont think I've laughed so hard in a while! This was hilarious, cute, and just perfect! I'm sure you won't continue it but even soon I'm quite satisfied with what was provided although I wouldnt mind the ending you truly had envisioned
I seriously enjoyed reading this so much! So many emotions all together to create such a beautiful heartfelt story thank you so much for creating this storyyy is so gooodd
NihilistAce chapter 10 . 12/21/2016
awesome story
villainracer chapter 2 . 9/24/2016
So preposterously, amazingly good. Addictive, eloquent and immersive prose that sings to my soul. It fills me with love, joy, laughter, and reflection. Thank you so much for this wonderful creation. If this was in paperback, I would buy it thousand times.
Mille chapter 10 . 6/12/2016
ok dude, first things first. I hella love this fic and may have reread it for the third time
So I shall beg and plea for you not abadoning this cute work
Noree chapter 10 . 4/27/2016
I cant express just how much I love this fic even to lose sleep just to read it
I know that the last update was like 4 years ago
But damn this fic is just too good
Like how cute and fluffy it is now
And how tweek stood up for craig
And damn the slow build and the friendship man
Also supportive parents
Heck all of my weaknesses are in this glorious fic
spiceypepper chapter 10 . 2/6/2016
Okay, so I know it's been forever since you've last updated this, but I've read this amazing work of art within the last twenty-four hours and can't help but crave more. Is there any chance of you picking this story back up? You're able to write in ways that keeps me enthralled and so involved I lose track of time. You're also able to make me laugh out loud while reading this. I know it's been years, but I really do hope that you will finish this story, even if it takes a while.
Kismetica chapter 10 . 11/24/2015
Although this hasn't been updated for two years, I'd like to say that this is my favourite Creek fanfic. It's descriptive and well-thought out, from the history to the characters. I especially liked what you did with Tweek's parents. They're nicer than the other interpretations I've read of them before.

You even got Tweek down! I've always thought that it would've been hard to write him in third person, but you've proved me otherwise and kept this up for ten chapters. Craig is well-developed as well, yet you manage to keep him in mystery.

Now that the major mystery — around Craig's mask — is solved, I wonder what will happen next.
5511736 chapter 10 . 7/26/2014
We all need update or we will die.
TheGrimKeeper chapter 1 . 6/8/2014
Omg, I've just started this, but already it's pure brilliance!
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