Reviews for Of Birds, Cats, and Rats
Commander Zucchini chapter 1 . 5/30/2012
Lol! So amusing! You just had a number of misspellings but other than that, great story! (: I love your writing style!
vampireyautja chapter 1 . 3/29/2011
it was really good loved it ! I wish more people would write ravenxslade stories cause there so cool anyways loved how you had slade show emotion but not make him an ooc. Anyways good job would love to see more!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/26/2011
OMG. That was hilarious. I'm so glad I read this. Good job!
tesla chapter 1 . 2/21/2011
Oh my, I was laughing so hard! You did the great job, I love when Slade came out from his hideout because of Mumbo, he was so annoyed, it reminds me of some old, scolding coot. And when he met Raven (why I want to write Bunny?) That was too much for me;) Okay, maybe he isn't very canonical, buy this is the part of a genre "humor", characters are often irrational.

And the end of story wasn't "unfortunite". Come on, it was funny and somehow... very warm. Such a bond between demon and psychopath. Really nice.

I hope you will write a lots of fanfictions for the TT universe, because this one is brilliant.
