Reviews for Bleeding Heart
Lestatsgirl15 chapter 8 . 7/28/2018
Looking forward to your return. I love the show and I like Trudy’s character.
jamsu chapter 2 . 7/26/2018
I hope she ends up with Eric
IvanovaRangerOne chapter 7 . 6/30/2015
Awesome story so far!
I really like Trudy's balcony, and the fact that Eric is semi-stalking her. I must admit I'm normally a Sam fan, but I like this version of Eric you are showing. I assume he would be the one to kill Longshadow in your version? Which is also what happened in the original book series . . .
It would be good to see his bloodthirsty side, so that he doesn't come off too "sparkly". ;o)
Also, I'm curious how Eric knew about both sisters' gifts?
And I love the whole premise and dynamic of having a younger sister. It's nice to have the sisterly relationship, and of course, it also doubles the romantic possibilities.
And speaking of, I'm curious how you will rewrite Sam's "revelation" scene. Will that be both sisters? Trudy would probably enjoy the visual (and the possibilities) of a naked Sam at the foot of her bed. ;o)
Or perhaps they will find out he's a shape-shifter in some other way?
I really want Trudy to have a crack at him, or at least one very hot kiss. . . .though I guess Eric might get there first?
Just please update this story already!
Guest chapter 7 . 3/2/2015
Please update! I definitely want to read more.
tanakaL chapter 5 . 7/23/2014
The story is really good! Just to let you know telekinesis is the ability to control physical objects and empath controls and feels emotions. In this chapter Eric tells he know what there powers are and when her and sookie are interrogating the man she tries to feel his emotions which is not telekinetic ability but it is an empath ability. Just letting you know.
samanthatm chapter 7 . 7/21/2013
it's been way more than a week since you last updated this story.
beautifulgreek523 chapter 7 . 6/1/2013
Guest chapter 7 . 3/6/2013
I love what you have and I can't wait for you to continue
okamistar chapter 7 . 11/20/2012
I like what what you have so far and if your going to stick with the episode story line you think you could have trudy save godric from kiling himself and as a possable love interest for trudy?
Micka chapter 7 . 4/23/2012
I'm totally loving the story. A-MAZ-ING. But I'm totally sick of reading the same excuses over and over. Please update soon.
Isabella95 chapter 7 . 3/22/2012
I hope you update soon, cause this far I like it! :D
ImagineBetter3 chapter 7 . 12/26/2011
This is good! Wish you would update soon!
MissAmyLu12212 chapter 7 . 10/11/2011
I like this story. Update again soon please
TheFantasizer chapter 6 . 9/8/2011
amazing story i really like it and Three Days Grace is my favorie band, i love trudys character i can really relate to her and i love Eric. please write some more soon!
SS01 chapter 6 . 8/2/2011
I vote for the pairing of Eric! YES! ;) Plz update soon.

Cant wait for more. I hope its Tru who kills Rene...maybe use her telekinesis to snap his neck? hmmm? or send the shovel into his sookie does but using her power.
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