Reviews for Field Poppies
12-09321-04934287348923 chapter 1 . 4/27/2013
Have you ever tried free verse poetry? Your writing style seems based on it.
Field-Poppies chapter 1 . 9/12/2012
Finally created my own account here and the first thing I have to do is review this. This is easily my most favourite LietPol fanfiction; I even made the title my user name. xD And I guess it's also my favourite LietHun fanfiction since I think I've only ever come across one other LietHun fanfic. xD Thank you for opening my eyes to another interesting pairing.

I do love a good bit of angst and drama and this fic has touched me more than most fictions dealing with the death of a character death have. This is the first time I've ever disliked Liet... it's the first time I've read a fic where he has cheated on Poland. This fic contained a lot of firsts for me, actually. xD

Anyway, thank you very much for writing it and I hope you write another LietPol fic one day ;D
Awsum Grammar Nazi chapter 14 . 5/31/2012
ugh this is getting boring, too many chapters!
Koneko144 chapter 26 . 5/12/2012
I don't know why more people haven't reviewed this. It's amazing.
Cici's Kiwis chapter 11 . 3/26/2012
My God. You would ne a /very/ . you have a /really/ good way with words. I mean, just.../wow/

Anitasonia1998 chapter 41 . 3/19/2012
Beautiful. Wow. Such an interesting story plot with lots of twists and turns. I love the way your words flow and the many analogies you use. You should write some more.
Kerei Happiness chapter 41 . 6/18/2011
Annnnd it's over. /sob

Wow, this was such a good read, and you made me see that Toris and Feliks could not be forever in love... Too different.

Actually there is so much I would have loved to say but my English is not good enough to say how amazing these story is, it's just WOW...
SlowlyTheWorldTurns chapter 41 . 6/11/2011
Since you decided to be nice and put these chapters up just for me, I have come to the decision that I shall also be quaint in return and write a final review for you!

Well my deary, I can certainly say that I am at least glad that Toris didn't kill Feliks. If he had, I think my heart would haver murdered itself from depression. Although Feliks is a pretty good definition for the word intriguing, I think you are also a creature of certain mysterious attributes. I thought it interesting how you changed the characters just a bit and strayed from the normal path of things. Which I love! (It reminds me of Pocahontas!.../shot/) Feliks didn't use Valley-Girl talk, Toris was more of a man, and Ivan wasn't some cruel devil! As I've said before, your writing is as a poet, not as much the structure, but just as much depth. I'm glad that Feliks didn't die, but he did deserve a good punch or two or five... What he did was just too spiteful to do that to Toris. Though I may not be a fan or RuLit, I am glad to see that it is at least not an abusive relationship. Feliks ended up alone, and I do send my sentiment towards him, since Toris was the one to take the first step into a spiraling staircase of darkness and despair. But alas, I've rambled on much to far already. The note I will end it on is that I can't wait to read your next story and what kind of harlot -sneer- you'll make Tino into!

ilovesmilingfools chapter 41 . 6/11/2011
Ahhh. I'm so happy they made up! Even though they're not lovers anymore, it's still good that they are friends (: happy, happy!
upfromtheashes chapter 41 . 6/11/2011
This story has been such a great experience :) I loved it and I like how it ended. You should seriously consider writing more amazing fanfiction like this! like another reader has written PrusPol would be a great idea to write since you seem to enjoy intense drama, fights and love. Many former LietPol fans are moving on to it ;) personally it's my OTP for, as you can see from the fanfiction I write :D thank you for this awesome story~!
Fell's Blessing chapter 41 . 6/11/2011
Well, can't say I like Toris any more. : But I'm glad that he and Feliks made up. :) I just feel real bad for Feliks, ya know? :( He was a really fascinating character in this fic. And now he's alone. Maybe he'll end up with Gilbert or something. xDD Well, I'm not a huge RussLiet fan, (actually, I...don't like it at all) but you made it bearable and not abusive.

Aw man, this story's over. Now what'm I going to read over the summer? Dx I hope you continue to write moar! This story was awesome! ((And I'm glad you updated early. I had something to read before I took my ACT.))

I hope to see more of your writing ahead! ouo
Too.Lazed.Too.Tired chapter 41 . 6/11/2011
Well, this was probably one of the best ways to start my morning, ever. Allllll the last chapters of Field Poppies.

I'm happy Feliks and Toris became friends again, and that Toris and Ivan continue to keep their relationship going. ;u; It's a happy ending for such a once happy, then saddening tale! Cause, so many things occurred. xDD

But, I really loved this story a lot. It was the only thing on my watcher's list that I'd constantly read in such a loyal fashion. I'm sure you'll make another story that I'm bound to enjoy in the future, though!

So, keep up the good work!
AzureSanctuary chapter 41 . 6/11/2011
I still feel bad for Feliks, I knew that he'll end up alone.

Toris, well - he was much more interesting than in usual fanfiction but still can't find any sympathy for him. I wish that he'll get a proper punishment for being asshole in most of this story.

I'm sure that whole story will stay in my memories fo a long time - thanks to your great writing style and... really frustrating ending.
ilovesmilingfools chapter 38 . 6/10/2011
Feliks, what in the world are you planning?
Fell's Blessing chapter 37 . 6/10/2011
I don't really have much to say for this chapter except to say...

This can't be good. D:
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