Reviews for Hold Your Breath and Close Your Eyes
shanekitsunestiles chapter 31 . 6/18/2015
I have really like this fic and the feelings are well described it's like that that i see sometimes the things even i don't think i could have forgive them but it's like that so awesome fic.
Cabbiefan102 chapter 8 . 5/10/2014
omg i cant get over the fact this was written in 2011 and you wrote "Come What May" in here, you like predicted the future! lol that's so weird!
anyways, great story. i love it so far!
StrainAsylum chapter 5 . 10/19/2013
Dear heavens...
cherub68 chapter 15 . 9/11/2013
Oh please, in a nightclub in your school uniform! Ridiculous!
ScifiSOS chapter 7 . 5/6/2013
This story is okay. I mean it tugs at the emotional strings a bit but it seems a bit over the top. It's pretty obvious that there are some characters you don't really like. Kurt's reaction is way over the top and I honestly think he's being a brat. I've always figured Kurt to be realistic except in the whole romance department. And Kurt really has no right. He wasn't with Blaine. He can be MAD at it but changing all of himself because "the world has hurt him too much" is just over the top. But I suppose it can apply to the teenagers who have felt like this and actually reacted like this - though I haven't really met any though...

I think its Kurt's original personality that I really like so this...weird to me, defeated Kurt isn't my style. So I apologize I can't finish reading this. But you have plenty of fans who loved this while it was going and I hope you get better reviews than mine :). Have a nice day.

P.S. sorry if I came off mean. I'm not really trying to.
Dbp chapter 31 . 4/23/2013
Good story, a bit disappointed that he got with Blaine (who totally doesn't deserve him as he's a big list of swear words) but other than well written and enjoyable. So thanks for putting it out there.
Cold Flame96 chapter 31 . 4/5/2013
Hmmm... It certainly wasn't bad. I thought the whole suicide thing was a bit much. Kurt Hunmel changes for no one. If you wanted to, you could've dragged it out at least 5 more chapters, and to be honest, it probably would've been better if you had. The ending was very rushed and rather than feeling happy for Kurt that everything worked out, I felt very underwhelmed.
Also, it seems that you're not very fond of either Rachel or Blaine, which is fine. It's your opinion, but your perception of them in the story made it obvious and it was a bit distracting. No matter how much you dislike a character, make sure you stay true to canon, which you did fairly well, at least Rachel. However, there were some moments in the story that felt overdone, mostly with Blaine.
Dave: well, for starters, I hate the Kurtofsky pairing, so the fact that I read through it all means something. Kurtofsky really just turns my stomach. And honestly, by this time in the show, I don't like Dave was in love with him. I think it was more sexual attraction than anything. As for Kurt, he wouldn't even consider dating Dave so soon. Dave's treatment was both physically and psychologically scarring, and I'm sure that he gave Kurt nightmares. That's not something you can just wave away by simply apologizing. I understand that Kurt is a very forgiving person, but he's not a masochist. Finn would definitely not be okay with it either. He would be incredibly pissed off and he most certainly wouldn't hide it from Burt, just like Kurt didn't hide Finns wedding plans.
Anyway, I'm not flaming as it was well written, but it certainly had the potential to be a lot better. Good luck writing!
2x3.1x3.2x2 chapter 31 . 2/1/2013
I think I cried my eyes out the entire fic. But I must say the end was the sweetest thing ever. I never thought I would say this but Karofsky was way sweeter than Blaine (I'm still a little mad at him) and I hated Rachel. But I did love the fic. Good job! It was anazing
2x3.1x3.2x2 chapter 3 . 1/28/2013
Oh, God! You literally broke my heart with "you've been doing a phenomenal job up until now". I had to stop reading for a minute and calm myself down
F**k, that hurt!
PS: I already love this, can't wait to know what'll happen next
Rori Potter chapter 31 . 9/18/2012
Guest chapter 18 . 7/10/2012
Poor Kurt! It's one of my favourite Kurt stories so far, but I wold Blaine's life full of much more misery... FYI: yes, heart can rupture, it was quite often complication of myocardial infarct in the past, now it happens rare thanks to drugs. And
SweetTormentedAngel chapter 31 . 12/21/2011
Great story! I constantly thought about what Kurt went through after the Raine kiss. I admit I don't like Blaine so I saw nothing wrong with how you portrayed him. I am disappointed Kurt didn't end up with Dave. After all Blaine did, Dave should had gotten Kurt. That might just be me though lol. Good job though
Squiggle.giggle chapter 24 . 11/12/2011
Such a moving chapter
Squiggle.giggle chapter 17 . 11/12/2011
Why is this story so compelling? I can't stop reading this
Ceeecilliaaa chapter 31 . 10/9/2011
I have never cried so hard for any other story the way I did for this one.

In the beginning I found it a little too much, too exaggerated, but as the story progressed things made better sense.

Everything this story brings up is just so easy to relate to, at this age where we try to find ourselves and tell ourselves we love someone and get hurt from rejection.

My pillow is completely soaked with tears and (this is disgusting but true) snot at 1 am.

You're brilliant.
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