Reviews for Семья: Family
Ladybug Lover chapter 1 . 3/23/2014
This is so beautiful! I absolutely love it! Please keep writing beautiful things!
WhisperedDarkness chapter 1 . 11/15/2013
Daww so fluffy (and a little smutty) I loved it :3
Guest chapter 1 . 9/16/2013
I loved it! This was so adorable.
Canadarper chapter 1 . 7/16/2013
I was holding my breath for half of this. I was bieng a complete girl, and i had to hold back my little squeals because its almost 12:00 and i am the only one awake in the house. Ah i love you artificial starlight. You are just to amazing.
MapleLover chapter 1 . 7/4/2013
I seriously went into fangirl-mode. THAT WAS SO FREAKING ADORABLE! XD
The Fox Familiar chapter 1 . 1/16/2013
...Wow. You just royally shat over Russia and Canada's character here in just one chapter.

First, I want to ask you WHAT is so special about two "men" marrying. Homosexual "love" is not love at all - it is lust. It is an obsessive, dangerous, promiscuous, ADDICTION that deserves its rightful fate: at the stake. The fact that you are normalizing a marriage that destroys the foundation of the human family; that leaves children without a mother or father; that raises criminals and breeds problems and not problem solvers; that goes around the VERY FOUNDATION OF BIOLOGY is more than just offensive.

It's borderline retarded.

Second, it's obvious you haven't a CLUE about the dangers of homosexuality. You think it's perfectly normal and healthy, and think that every person that engages in it will be A-OK. You know, if someone is far too stupid to look for the facts themselves, then the burden of proof should not be on people like me - it is on people like YOU. YOU, you sick fuck.

Oh, that's right. I went there. Not only have you completely demonized the characters, you demonized the very essence of manhood: MASCULINITY. These characters are supposed to be MEN, not effeminate faggots. Oh, yes, it's so normal TO GIVE A MAN A DIAMOND RING AND NECKLACE. YEAH, BECAUSE MEN LIKE THAT. In a way, you've blurred the genders; it's like you don't know which is which. You think men can be women and that women can be men, without any differences. You believe men can love men the same way they can love women without any repercussion.

Well let me tell you something: homosexuals don't want love. Or marriage. They want the word marriage to themselves and all the rights of it, but it doesn't mean the public is going to accept them. That's what happened in MY country, Canada, which you have bastardized, and guess what? MY COUNTRY IS DYING. Thanks to people like you, homosexuals can do whatever you please and no one bears children anymore. People hate children but love sex. Homosexuality is all about sex. It's about finding pleasure, not health and well-being as heterosexual marriage is.

Basically, you're trying so hard to normalize this sick behaviour, and implying that gay marriage is as equal to heterosexual marriage. Well, who ever said that homosexuality had to be MONOGAMOUS?! Why don't we legalize polygamy? Would that sit well with you? How about incest? Pedophilia? Bestiality? Where is the line drawn? Liberals and the LGBT such as you would love nothing more than to blur that line. You have promoted a lifestyle that is anti-human and an evolutionary dead end.

And that shows me for what you really are: an unoriginal bitch who can't respect anything. Homosexuals will NEVER be equal to heterosexuals; the craving of acceptance they want so much is borderline hypocrisy; they hate heterosexuality's normality yet crave it themselves. In that sense, you're supporting hypocrisy.

Are you -literally - that stupid not to check the facts for yourself, or did you just hear them from someone else? Were you upset that homosexuals weren't treated equally? It's clear that you were upset, and decided to write masturbatory fanfictions showing two characters that are not gay and are not hers engaging in hardcore anal sex without any repercussions. BRILLIANT. You deserve a Nobel Prize.

I wouldn't be so angry if I didn't see a bastardization of my favourite characters, nor a horrid attempt to normalize homosexuality. And your reviewers...oh do they ever love you. They LIKE homosexuality, see, because they want to be rebels. They hate the society that gave everything to them and believe that equality is the high-end all of life. Equality is impossible and you cannot achieve it without subjugating another. In this sense, I have seen marriage bastardized, and that word that you sick fucks love so much, love, go under massive revisions. Anything can be love.

If anything can be love, then nothing is. The difference between heterosexual stories is that it reads and feels normal, because it is triggering a response in us. With homosexual shitfics, the author tries ever so hard to normalize it, even though it goes completely against logic and nature. If the anus was build for constant penetration and made for reproduction, there would be no argument.

But there is. You've shamed men into effeminate, weak, inhuman savages and women as insufferable bitches. You are both a misandrist and a misogynist. You hate the human family, the male/female dynamic, and you are completely oblivious to facts. I have spent hours and hours trying to knock sense into people like you, and it isn't working, because the facts are just so OFFENSIVE. Right.

You live off your popularity, and you aren't even talented. Your writing is average and your story-telling is not great. As I've said before, you're making porn with plots. Your stories are just the typical yaoi stories that act as fodder, not as a lesson to be taught. As such, your "talents" are just as useful as a rusty cleaver. Your fans are no different; they gift you with even shittier writing and "artwork". Learnt fools are far more dangerous than fools, and their followers even more so.

You are a modern Savonarola, and deserve every condemning word I have for you. Burn in hell, you sick fuck, and take your followers with you.
mofalle chapter 1 . 5/28/2012
This was a beautiful side piece to the Giving In series. I loved the babushka dolls. Thank you for including the links to the egg and necklace. Ivan has great taste, and I liked the story behind the egg.
animeloveramy chapter 1 . 4/26/2012

I love this XD soooo~ cute!
LadyEOcelot chapter 1 . 12/17/2011
I have the biggest smile on my face right now from reading this. I seriously can't wait to start "Giving In" over from the beginning. I might cry when I finish it just because I finished it.
iSweetDespair chapter 1 . 12/12/2011
I love all of your Hetalia Stories! :)

Please keep writing them! :D

love-for-bakas chapter 1 . 11/5/2011
I hear sequal of wedding...da!da!da!
kurokidoki chapter 1 . 8/14/2011
SQUEEE! 33 This is so cute! Haha I especially enjoy the ending. Very beautiful gifts from Matthew and Ivan. So cute. :DD 3 Ah, I'm crying again. :)
Bumblebeecamaro38 chapter 1 . 8/1/2011
Aww, this is sooo cute~ The presents sounded amazing to. :3
WHORES chapter 1 . 7/23/2011
meriyaliz chapter 1 . 6/26/2011
Seriously sweet, just wonderful! Thanks for this cute little story, dear Author.
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