Reviews for Deceiving Fate
CSG chapter 28 . 7/29
I just finished reading this one via ePub. It was a pretty quick read, but it was good, not too much angst & drama... well, Bella was dramatic but that’s beside the point. Lol Thanks for sharing this with us. :)
debb lavoie chapter 28 . 5/27
Riley and Nancy were too snobby for Bella. And Rose, jeese she wants Bella to get over Edward and does the drama at the dinner table. I'm so happy they realized they both loved each other. Great story.
DMBSJB18 chapter 28 . 5/13
I’m super super confused as to what happened with Bella and Edward three years ago? Bella told Edward she loved him and he freaked out? Saying what? Obviously making her think that he didn’t love her... so how can he just waltz back into her life like that: Even though he came to her apartment a couple days later, or whatever, it still doesn’t make sense. And Bella justifies this by saying Edward fights for her? Uh, no, Edward did the exact opposite of fight for her. And then, in the end he was just there. No fighting for her; at all: she threw herself at him.
And obviously Edward had a girlfriend after Bella expressed her love... so no. There was no fighting for her. So he doesn’t deserve her. But maybe they actually do deserve each other bc she’s a cheating cheater that cheats, and no one deserves that from a fiancé.
V3Ru chapter 28 . 3/4
I Like it...
lil hummingbird chapter 28 . 2/4
I really enjoy your writing. You make me laugh and you tug the heartstrings. Thank you for you words.

Guest chapter 28 . 2/4
Very sweet!
archy12 chapter 25 . 2/4
There's definitely a serious communication gap between the two of them.
archy12 chapter 24 . 2/4
Where? At the radio station? :o
archy12 chapter 22 . 2/4
She should have done a lot of things in a different order,'s done now.
archy12 chapter 15 . 2/4
Yeah, Riley is a lost cause anyway. She should just return his ring and get her stuff, maybe sell whatever she doesn't want. :)
archy12 chapter 14 . 2/4
We-ll, I think Bella should have talked more, since Riley was all about communication. (eye roll)
archy12 chapter 13 . 2/4
Everything jumped out on him? :D How does that happen?
archy12 chapter 10 . 2/4
Uh-oh, seems like a prelude to breaking up with Riley!
bella224 chapter 22 . 11/29/2019
Lafemmevegeta chapter 28 . 10/29/2019
Can’t help who you love right, shower sex helps with that decision too!
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