Reviews for Ambiguity of Love
Laura-chanKHRFangirl chapter 1 . 6/21/2012
Very well written. There were a few small mistakes, but it didn't hinder my reading flow (:

A really good OneShot :3
Imkiyamahirotos1fangirl chapter 1 . 10/31/2011
Wow. I. Loved. It. The way you rite is sooooo intense n cool! I am against Endou lyking gouenji though. But if Endou had 2 lyk some1 on raimon, gouenji's the best choice. Excellent story! :):):) keep up the totally awesome work! :):):)
Destructive Tenderness chapter 1 . 9/8/2011
Awww...Hiroto-kun messed up big time...Great story though! If there could be a sequel to this...I'd-I mean- WE would love that! .

Zonex Krypton chapter 1 . 7/18/2011
That was so sad. I loved it. The fact that Hiroto was rejected...

Nice plot.
Floric1434 chapter 1 . 2/18/2011
Flo and Shi: .GOD! WHAT THE HELL DID GRAN DO? O.O TELL US! UPDATE MAYBE! WHAT EXACTLY HAPPENED! :O and one more word before we review... WOAH!
DarkFireheartNinja chapter 1 . 2/14/2011
This is such a beautiful piece! The way the feelings of Hiroto are shown and Endo's rejection of them really got to me. Plus the story was well written with good grammar and punctuation and it was easy to read and understand. Do you mind if I add this to my favourites?
X DancingInTheRain X chapter 1 . 2/14/2011
! I will do my best not to swear and use much more dent words. This is FREAKING AWSOME! xd...back to serious...Ok, I simply loved that:D Poor poor poor poor Gran sniff snifff :( I just got one more reason to push the domb hothead a.k.a gouenji off a cliff! Its extremely sad! but yet realistic! you succeeded in capturing everyones personality...i sure think that the inazuma fandom lacks of GOOD sad stories and this one is just perfect! you made my day :)