Reviews for Just Watch Us
Guest chapter 1 . 1/17/2019
chilichili chapter 1 . 10/22/2015
WitchCurfew chapter 1 . 8/5/2015
A very fascinating FanFiction. I have never seen anything like this before. It was very enjoyable, nonetheless.
SNAPE IS SNAPE chapter 1 . 10/16/2014
The absolute most bizarre idea I've ever read. A interesting idea, though.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/19/2014
O-oh... Oh my.. This... was oddly pleasing. I've never really.. Wow. I think I got a new ship.. damn...
EyeForAnEar chapter 1 . 6/9/2012
I just... just... damn this is good. You have done us a great service in writing this.

I only just learned about Trudeau this past month or so while researching my history essay on the FLQ and whether or not using the WMA was justified or not. All I can say is I'm damn disappointed in my country's education system for not introducing Trudeau and his sheer incredibleness to us when we were wee elementary school students. WHY?

Back on to the topic of your story. This is just perfect. I'm really thankful you didn't write anything explicit because for one, I don't really want to think of that involving Trudeau, it's just sort of weird, and two, it makes the fic more about the way their relationship develops, rather than the unnecessary physical details.

Great grammar and spelling, and wonderful choices of moments to capture. Trudeau's childhood, his time as Minister of Justice, the whole Liberation du Quebec commotion, his death, etc. They're perfectly suitable, and you wrote them very well.

So, thanks, this was just awesome to read.
Fandals chapter 1 . 2/28/2012
Any FLQ reference is best reference. Is it bad that I refer to Pearson and Trudeau as Peary and Trudy?
Fornever Tash chapter 1 . 2/15/2011

That was wonderfully written and so engaging in an odd, pseudo-wrong kind of way.

Complete and utter love.
justme chapter 1 . 2/13/2011
Tee hee!I wrote an essay on Trudeau and I know most of what you wrote about. Since I studied the guy and all, it was kinda weird to think of him and Canada together. Ah well, my weirdness aside, it was pretty good.
IlluminatedShadow chapter 1 . 2/13/2011 -wibbles- My craving, you have satisfied it. -hugs you- Just...just all of it. Its just how I imagined it. It was just so perfect. And I'm happy you didn't begin when he was sworn in. I like how you started it with a brief meeting that set the groundwork for their eventual reunion. I had the feeling that maybe Trudeau remembered Matthew and that led to his later interest. And how he was never quite sure what Matthew was doing there but knew he was important and accepted it and became close to him, even before his identity as Canada was revealed. And then you incorporated Matt's other relationships and it was all so realistic, especially when you threw in Cuba and Alfred and even Arthur (nice touch ;)). And while the ending was really lovely with Matthew walking away and understanding that Trudeau had a family but still realizing that the time they had together was special so he didn't fall to pieces at his funeral. It was all very smooth and believable and bittersweet.

And I'm happy you didn't throw sex into the mix. It makes their connection deeper and more meaningful through the hints you left. And you wrote this beautifully. You could really feel the love and relationship through the ages and I'm just so incoherent right now and leaving you this awful review but I'm just so giddy and a little teary and I giggled like a loon. /is embarrassed

To be honest, I never expected to see any sort of Trudeau/Canada but I thought like most pairings, it deserved a chance and you wrote it and I'm so flattered for the dedication (I will make sure you can't ignore any other impulses to write. Bwahaha-shot-). This was really a wonderful piece of work and I'm going to reread it over and over.

Also, just the image of mini!Trudeau running into Matthew is so adorable. -squees and spins in a happy circle-

Oh goodness, you've made my life. How can I ever repay you darling?
Little.Misanthrope chapter 1 . 2/13/2011
"Second part, in the 1950s Trudeau was banned from the States due to his socialist views and the fact he'd been seen in Moscow at conferences."

...Lol we were such paranoid fucks back then XD

ALSO. I know nothing about Trudeau, so Idk what to really say about this fic xD;; Twas well written though...

The only things I learned about Canada in mandatory schooling was you're part of NAFTA and the names of Canada's provinces. Yay for us not teaching anything in schools about other countries! XDDD