Reviews for Closer
madoakiraily chapter 1 . 9/20/2016
sculver92 chapter 1 . 6/18/2016
Oh my goodness! My heart is aching for Leon. Poor guy. This story was amazing and I want to read more of your work.
leon206 chapter 1 . 3/4/2013
good story i love it
leonsexykennedy chapter 1 . 3/4/2013
good story leon sexy as always
Asteral chapter 1 . 6/28/2012
poisondartz chapter 1 . 3/27/2011
Really like this short story alot. It's kinda heart wrenching and I can sorta relate to it...:D Hope that you will write more of such!
Crimson-Butterfly89 chapter 1 . 3/13/2011
Excellent story, powerful and sombre, but heartfelt and moving.

I think the character detail was spot on, and i loved how well you transferred Leons vulnerability to the reader. I love stories like this, bittersweet but full of rich context and deep feeling. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this, well done!

Crims xx
Alia92 chapter 1 . 2/26/2011
Man you really described them well, the sorrow and sadness. Like you know (like everyone knows) how much life sucks for them lol especially ada. I love her the way she's like soo protective of Leon but always trys to hide it. Lol I doon't know but I really liked your story it sucks but the thing is it sucks good you know? Lol oh my that sounded wrong 0-o I mean you can feel his pain! I get it and I think that we all had an Ada in our lives and know how that hurt feels, and yet we still let them hurt us...urg I hate that.
Tealz chapter 1 . 2/24/2011
You are a master at angst, you know:)

This is the first fanfic I’ve read that has Leon crying. That’s also my favorite part. I have the song in my mp4 so it was played while reading and fit the story it did.

About the lemon, it fit the genre but it’s just not my taste(I’m not criticizing you, ’cause I understand passionate sex wasn’t suitable for the situation), but I enjoyed reading it anyway.

I think it’s best if this happened before ‘Thief’
elsofh49fjn chapter 1 . 2/13/2011
I've read a lot of stories that follow events between Leon and Ada like this, but every one has been unique. This fic is no exception. I really enjoyed reading it. I'm especially impressed at how you were able to capture Leon's loneliness and isolation.

Last night I was reading a translation of one of Leon's official biographies on the Project Umbrella forum. It said: 'On holidays he turns off the lights and quietly watches movies alone. His favorite title is "French Connection".' Your story brought me right back to this detail in his characterisation. So that's very impressive :)

I hope things are looking up for you. I also suffer from depression at times and it's been a constant aspect of my upbringing. I understand how painful it can be, so it's great that you've found ways to pull yourself through it.

Also, the Kings of Leon do indeed rule! Closer is one of my favourite songs on that album and coincidently it reminds me of Leon and Ada too.