Reviews for Klaine, As Told By David and Wes
olcia6060 chapter 2 . 9/11/2016
I'm dying from laughter here, this is fantastic ;D
DaniiRebel chapter 16 . 9/12/2014
I just stumbled onto this and all I have to say is: THIS IS FREAKING AMAZING!
Thank you for listening (I am, of course, assuming that you took the time to read this.. and that you even still look at the reviews after all these years...) and I won't take up any more of your time!
jp chapter 16 . 7/6/2014
I'm glad you left Kurt at Dalton and in the same grade as Blaine. As they were on season 2 on Glee. I'd wish Glee had done this. Cause this was so much fun! Love Wes and David to pieces! I laughed so much! Thank you once again! Thank you for finding love for Mercedes and David. Thanks for keeping Mercedes as Kurt's best friend. Glee acts as if they were never close and that's not fair. Kurt came out to her and she was the one he first introduced to the love of his life..Blaine! So thanks for keeping it the young people says! Loved this story so much!
Guest chapter 5 . 7/5/2014
I love the writing. But you need to know we don't use words like...buggar, mate, mum, bloke and so on. You're mashing the cultures, while its an American show. Great story line though! Wes and David are hilarious!
Knb248 chapter 16 . 7/4/2014
This was seriously one of the cutest and funniest fanfics I've ever had the privilege to read, I honestly couldn't stop laughing :) this fic brought laughter and tears to my eyes... It was simply beautiful. I absolutely adored the friendship and romance that developed between the two show choirs and the love between two boys that brought them and their futures together, amazing job :)
yellowsunbonnet chapter 16 . 1/23/2014
This was.. The. Best. Thing. Ever.

Perfect... Just perfect!
BG224 chapter 16 . 12/12/2013
Literally the most adorable thing im ever, I was dying in the middle of night trying not to laugh and it was so darn HARD. A-and oh god I love it so much. The humor is perfect. Rachel was perfect. MY KLAINE BABIES AND THE STALKING AND UGHHH
hugs-and-icecream chapter 16 . 10/19/2013
this story was sooooo funny couldn't stop laughing at many chapter it was brilliant
TeamSparkles chapter 4 . 8/2/2013
I love Moulin Rouge!
yoloswagmaster chapter 2 . 6/30/2013
I'm almost scared to continue. . .
yoloswagmaster chapter 1 . 6/30/2013
understatement. . . ;P
Guest chapter 16 . 4/30/2013
This is a brilliant fic... it had me laughing, outrageously, at three o'clock... in the morning... i seriously couldn't stop reading :D :D :D so thank you very much. I 3 Klaine... and Wevid
Lay chapter 6 . 4/17/2013
This is amazing so prefect! I think the idea of Wes and David telling the story is awesome.
Holmes1216 chapter 4 . 4/3/2013
Ohmygod! I can't stop laughing and my parents are going 'What teh hell?' cos I'm rolling around on the floor laughing!
John Allerdyce-Pyro chapter 9 . 3/26/2013
That ending! This is just hilarious. I don't usually read glee fiction except with one adorable coffee shop one shot but this, this is amazing!
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