Reviews for Stargat3 Univ3rs3
09725hsikqb chapter 11 . 10/3/2015
This is the crossover I never knew I wanted. Seriously, this is awesome! i hope that you update sometime soon! Keep up the great work!
Taylen-Swordbreaker chapter 11 . 1/19/2015
I'm enjoying this story so far. I look forward to the next chapter and hope you post soon.
shestarsky chapter 11 . 12/22/2014
So happy to see an update on this story. Made me want to cry, anyway excellent chapter I really enjoy how you have added Charlie into this episode. He fits in so smoothly. Good Job.
Intelligent Magic chapter 10 . 7/1/2014
Excellent! I hope you update it soon.
gnothiseauton chapter 10 . 7/1/2013
I'm really liking the way you've been assimilating Charlie into the show while still maintaining it's storyline. I can't wait to read more, which is weird since I already know what's going to happen (unless you veer off course at some point, which would be kind of awesome). Also can't wait to see how you're going to get Charlie and Greer together, gonna be interesting! Keep up the good work, and PLEASE don't stop now!
Cheers (lol),
Gnothi Sea
09725hsikqb chapter 10 . 5/14/2013
Another great chapter! It was supremely satisfying to read and it was nice that you incorporated Charlie's family into this! I can't wait until you post the next chapter! Keep up the good work. (And sorry for the excessive use of exclamation points. I can't help myself.)
shestarsky chapter 10 . 5/13/2013
Great update, I was really excited when I saw a new chapter and how long it was. The way you weave your plot into the original epsisodes is seamless.

I enjoy seeing how Greer cares for Charlie. Having Yound go to Charlies family was cool.
Duskborn chapter 9 . 12/12/2012
I love this fic! Seriously, when I first read the pairing, I was like, "How the hell is that gonna work" but then I was struck by the sheer awesomeness of Greer matched with the oblivious cuteness that is Charlie. Not to mention the total hotness of them together. I've decided this pairing needs it own cutesy name, and thus, I dub it, Cheer! Please, please update soon. After all, isn't Christmas all about spreading Cheer?
shestarsky chapter 9 . 11/9/2012
angel313 chapter 8 . 10/9/2012
This was interesting and I like it. I hope that u will update and finish this story. Thank u
Asplar chapter 8 . 6/12/2012
Charlie is just so adorabel and I think thats way Young ruffled his hair he got something of a older brother wibe in that scene. And the Greer Charlie interaction is still so intresting it dosent matter wich view it is from. Becuse they al draw their own conclusions about them I cant wait to se what Eli will say when he notices it.
shestarsky chapter 8 . 6/11/2012
Even though I've seen the episode & knew the outcome, I almost cried.

This was very good.
Classicshe chapter 7 . 6/7/2012
Just started reading this story - interesting concept to sort of writing the fanfic around the actual show's scenes while inserting a new character. Can't wait to see where you take this.
shestarsky chapter 7 . 6/5/2012
Robin Williams, great. Another gret update. Charlie & Greer?
Asplar chapter 6 . 6/4/2012
I must say when I started reading this fic I just thought it was an intresting crossover to try but I really like it. I find the interaction betwen the characters well written and charlie is just so spot on he and grer is just so amusing to read about so far. I cant wait to see where you will take them all when you start to diverece from canon. So thanks for a great chapter and i will hope a for a new one in the near future. ps a Matt x Chloe x Eli interaction could be quite intresting to read about but its up to you .ds
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