Reviews for The Office
Waruitenshi chapter 1 . 6/13/2015
Lmmfao! I LOVED it! X3 Characters like Hiei and Kuwabara are always the best when their paired up like this! XD Great job! I'm surprised Akito was able to actually walk away from that, much less run. Even Kuwabara would've given him what for LoL he hates having his honor impuned; much like Hiei. XD
ShelleyB chapter 1 . 5/28/2013
please make more fics with Kaite in them, even if just to read more of her relationship with hiei. I love her :)
PhoenixDiamond chapter 1 . 10/16/2011
-Stands and claps-

Wow babe I can't believe I haven't read this story. I'm a big lover of Hiei and Kuwabara and man you just made their relationship flow as smoothly as if it were an everyday thing. The drama in this was perfect. Almost like reading a chaptered plot but you've managed to keep the scenerio all in one chapter. That's a marevlous talent in my opinion. Not many authors are able to do something like this SO WELL in a one-shot. Lol You had me frowning, giggling, pissed, and awwing to the point where I felt a little silly lol. But that tends to happen when reading such an awesome tale.

I adored this. I'm going to assume Kazuma's the submissive of this relationship but with these two it could easily go either way and be hot. Thank you so much for contributing to this pairing with an entertaining fic. This is wonderful and I'm really glad I took the time to read it. Keep up the great work babe _
sarah chapter 1 . 2/9/2011
I didnt think Hiei and Kuwabara would be that cute of a couple until I read this. Somehow you seemed to have made it work.
pyrosnightmare chapter 1 . 2/6/2011
oh dear gods this was funny. i know it probably wasn't supposed to be, but it was. poor hiei
twistedmind29 chapter 1 . 2/3/2011
Guest chapter 1 . 1/31/2011
Hiei watching the soaps? Lmao!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/31/2011
Hiei watching the soaps? Lmao!
Subject8 chapter 1 . 1/30/2011
I have to say, I'm not a fan of HieixKuwabara but that story was rly good :D. Great job