Reviews for Strange Satellite
ChocolateChipAmethyst chapter 1 . 8/24/2015
aliiijean chapter 1 . 6/23/2014
MORE! more please!
I know it's been years but if there is any chance, any chance at all, that you even think about continuing this story then PLEASE DO! It is amazing! Im hooked!

The first part was so goood! I read it all in one go, over and over. I didn't think it'd be any good but then I started reading and couldn't look away! To be honest its the best fanfic and story mash I've ever read! So thank you, I can't say enough how good this story is! (I love the finer little details/ back stories and how well you've portrayed each character, its dead on, even in a completely different situation)

So please please please please pleeeease, I know its been ages, and you're probably super busy, but please, write more? even if its just to sum it all up and give us an ending so we can all move on with our lives haha, you'd make us all very happy!

And thanks again for this incredible story! It's been amazing xx
Guest chapter 1 . 4/20/2013
looking fwd to more. this is such a fantastic fic!
LostApology chapter 1 . 4/20/2013
This is heartbreaking x
Tofu9162 chapter 1 . 4/17/2013
I hope you come back one day to finish this because I'm really curious how this would end!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/20/2013
Arg! Love this story. Shame it hasnt been updated. Even so, thank you for the first story and a bit of the continuation anyway.
thehopelesswanderer chapter 1 . 3/1/2013
It's been quite a long time, but I do hope you find the fire again to continue this story. I just recently found the two parts yesterday and flew through them. Really gorgeous writing! Hope all is well :)
naomilyfan chapter 1 . 10/3/2012
please continue this, really, please.
YOURN1FANNNN chapter 1 . 8/13/2012
I can't believe BD&D and this don't have more reviews than that. I mean, i don't really like twilight and vampires but this is fucking awesome. I know it's been a long time, but i still hope that you will update. This chapter is a tease, i want to know so bad what will happen next... I swear, i'm on my knees right now, i'm begging you to continue this perfect fanfic! Please? It would make me so happy if you update one day !
jock chapter 1 . 10/19/2011
Whoa, so I really want you to finish this! :)

So colour me surprised, when I was reading A Million Miles Of Fun (which I love, & I think every Faberry fan does too :)) & thought I’d check out the authors other work.

This other work happened to be that amazing crazy awesome old Naomily vampire fic that I read ages ago at the height of my Skins love! It blew my mind for a minute honestly. And there’s a sequel!

Anyway, your vampire fic is amazing. I remember it as being as one of the best Naomily fics I read, and on re-read just now, it still is. I’d love to see this updated, & see the girls get some sort of a happy ending together.
Wasp7 chapter 1 . 10/10/2011
Love your take of vampires! I enjoyed the retelling of certain events via Emilys point of view and a look at the twins past. This really is a great story and I hope you're able to continue it :)
Guest chapter 1 . 8/29/2011
i miss this story. (
StarkWinter chapter 1 . 8/1/2011
Please start this up again!
Bullfrog21 chapter 1 . 6/23/2011
i would love to see this story started back up again!
lizurd chapter 1 . 3/23/2011
I want to start off by saying that I made an account specifically for your stories, because quite frankly you aren't getting enough reviews for how great your writing is. When I first started reading your fics, I have to admit I was a bit wary at first, just because you were taking somebody's already existing idea (Twilight) and infusing it with the skins characters, but I have to say you did it very very well. You've kept all the skins personality's and taken them to another level with their vampirism. I really like how you developed Katie as a character and included generation 1 characters as the "more experienced" vampires.

The level of complexity you put into the relationships, romantic and not, is tremendous. I really like how you portrayed the sibling love in, with Emily and Katie as well as Tony and Effy. I also like the fact that you differed from Twilight in that Naomi didn't want to become a vampire and her struggles with her sexuality are beautifully done.

At the current spot you left of with, I am confused as to what Emily realizes and Naomi doesn't, is it that she realizes 'forever' means till the end of time and Naomi doesn't yet? And if this is what you mean, why is she upset if she truly loves Naomi?

You've turned my skepticism into anticipation... That being said, please please PLEASE update with the next chapter. I don't know how much longer I can wait even though I just finished it yesterday. I am really excited to see where you take this.
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