Reviews for On the Run for Freedom
amechan87 chapter 10 . 7/17/2018
I love this! I really do!
BeautifulKnight chapter 3 . 4/4/2018
This story is the true definition of bromance...

and it's beautiful.
Shade the Hero chapter 10 . 5/17/2014
G'ah! Dang it. It's rare. It really is, but you did it. You flipping made me cry. TT-TT that ending. I know that he lives, but in that moment it didn't matter. It still hurt to see him like that. I know how Zack feels. If I were in his place I'd grab the punk by his shirt collar and shout: "Don't ever scare me like that again!"
Shade the Hero chapter 9 . 5/17/2014
Wow, Zack's getting very good at understanding his semi-comatose friend. Then again traveling with him like that for as long as he has, I guess you would pick up on what each noise would mean. This was a very nice chapter and its nice to know they weren't in constant fear for their lives. Its nice that they had their peaceful moments too.
Shade the Hero chapter 8 . 5/17/2014
I loved that wolf scene. I believe the creature stood for a failure, or when ever Cloud thought he let someone down. He had to be rescued in the Forgotten City, he was unconscious after the explosion when he defeated Sephiroth (which the wolf seemed to have vanished completely then. I'm not positive, but that's what I got from it. Which also fits in well here since when the wolf appeared Cloud felt so helpless when he couldn't do anything to help Zack check the cabin. I though it was sweet that it was so friendly though. :)

Hey, if Sora can tackle-hug Riku in DDD the way he did then Zack and Cloud can share a bed to keep warm and not be 'weird'. At least its not like in the second Star Wars movie where Solo threw Luke inside of a creature's carcass to keep him warm. *shudders* I think I'd rather freeze. xP
Shade the Hero chapter 7 . 5/17/2014
Bwahahahaha! Oh that scene was awesome. And of course, it had to be Sephiroth that walked in at 'that' moment. xD His exact thoughts were probably "The hell?" Oh That was awesome. I needed that. xD
A laughing Cloud? Zack really can do the impossible.
Shade the Hero chapter 5 . 5/16/2014
I know how much Cloud hates being an invalid and the fact that Zack was totally there for him and never once dropped that upbeat, positive, go-getter attitude is just amazing. I already totally respect Zack and he's quickly becoming one of my all-time favorite FF characters, (probably second only to Cloud) but every chapter I read makes me admire him even more.
Shade the Hero chapter 4 . 5/16/2014
that motorcycle fight was awesome and so was their rescuers. But, what stole the chapter was that fight scene. Zack fighting in boxers. lmao! It's pretty bad when even your enemies can't help but laugh. xD
dracosfairmaiden chapter 10 . 4/29/2013
Great job!

I've read this and I've read the sequel. They are both amazing. I love these types of stories where Zack takes care of Cloud like a brother. Their relationship is so sweet. Thanks for an amazing story!
Tayashia chapter 10 . 7/10/2012
I really like the story. Am also very glad that this is not the end. That would be SUCKY if this was it!
Guest chapter 8 . 7/10/2012
I thought that it was cool.
Tayashia chapter 4 . 7/8/2012
I love it! I feel sorry for the infantryman.
Tayashia chapter 3 . 7/8/2012
I think that you did fine with your story. I mean it is totally reasonable to assume that Zack had his depressed points. If you place anyone in his situation (labs, betrayals, running for his life) then it is only normal. BTW I like the story! .
StarryOne Writes Stuff chapter 1 . 4/14/2012
Very nice. I really like the way you write. I even more enjoy the way you show Cloud's mako poisoning.. Even if that is what I usually pay the most attention to... The mako poisoning. *smacks self* It is still really good though.
AnnaGhost94 chapter 10 . 12/5/2011
AHHHHH! It has been WAY too long! I have so more excuse than I told you in the message but...I'm sorry!

Anyways. This was my favourite chapter yet, it was SO intense, and when I saw the end of the page coming and Cloud was still dead I was getting scared-nooo Cloud! Also you did the CPR fine I think, I've done a course in that and I think it's the same, so no worries there! This whole part nearly made me cry:

"Zack swallows hard, barely managing to fight back the urge to burst out crying, he answers in a shaky voice, "He's...he's not breathing." Zack gently lays Cloud down flat on his back on the dirt covered ground on the side of the road about ten feet away from the truck. Although it's dark outside, he's still able to see due to his enhanced vision almost as if it were daylight.

Gently tilting the blonde's head back, Zack pinches the blonde's nostrils closed before he begins giving him CPR. Zack blows one full breath into Cloud's mouth, followed by another breath five seconds later. The ex-SOLDIER repeats the process twelve more times after Cloud shows no signs of breathing.

Since the driver doesn't know CPR, he sits down beside Zack during this time. He feels terrible that he's not able to help, but the young man next to him obviously knows what he's doing.

"Come on, Cloud," Zack orders in a loud voice as if he's trying to guide him back to him. He soon begins chest compressions. After several minutes of repeating the steps of CPR, to Zack's horror, Cloud's still not breathing. Tears begin to form in Zack's eyes as the feeling of devastating grief begins to set in. His tears begin stinging his eyes as they trail down his cheeks.

The driver's eyes widen in shock at what he's witnessing. While looking down at the blonde, although he's an adult, he looks like a young teenager. He's never seen anyone this young die before. The driver wipes his tears away after he realizes that he's crying.

Refusing to give up on his best friend, Zack continues giving him CPR. Despite all of Zack's attempts, Cloud still remains as lifeless as ever. While giving him more chest compressions, Zack shouts through his sobs, "Breathe Cloud! I'm not giving up on you, so don't you dare give up on me!"

The driver manages to snap out of his shock as he chokes out, "Young man?"

Zack continues giving Cloud CPR as if he didn't hear him.

"He's gone." He affectionately places his hand on Zack's shoulder.

While staying focused on Cloud, Zack quickly pushes his hand away before screaming, "No, he's not! I can save him! I will save him!"

The driver wipes away more of his own tears. "There's nothing more that you can do. Just let him rest." "

That was when I started getting panicky anyway! So good to see their happy ending and it was so cute seeing Cloud's reaction to that part, being so confused and not knowing what was going on! So well done and thank you for this epic epic story, I am so sorry I missed this last chapter for so long!

take care

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