Reviews for Food Fit For A KING
theInsaneArtist chapter 11 . 2/10/2018
"Nothing worse than mush peanuts"
Says someone who has obviously never had boiled peanuts.
Mockingbird chapter 33 . 4/20/2013
I just finished it. I loved it and am so happy you Committed yourself enough to Finish this great story! So many times have I found a great fiction that the author did not complete and I'm so happy that you loved your fiction enough to see it through. I enjoyed every minute of it!
JoWinchester chapter 33 . 3/5/2013
This was definitely a new one for me, as I was really starting to get annoyed by some of the Garaa/OC flics on here all being the same, you know?

Every writer (mostly fangirls, i suspect) was putting too much of themselves into the characters and not leaving space to develop the character into something real. .if that makes sense?

Kiki had enough of a real person to herself, that you could see her clearly in your mind.

I truly enjoyed your fic and can't wait to see what else you've written.
darkheart1992 chapter 33 . 11/25/2012
I love this story! It's so different from everything else that has been written. It was a joy to read. Keep up the great work!
KeelyRMalone chapter 16 . 5/1/2012
ok i meant to comment on the last chapter

"Panic was rising like vile and throw up in my throat."

i think u meant to say bile

vile means something horrid or evil

Bile means vomit

i'm just saying i'm not trying to seem rude i just thought i should say something

oh btw

you... are awsomness personified
DanniMaeAnime92 chapter 34 . 2/20/2012
Amazing ending! The whole story was so amazing and addicting to me! Good job :)
xxpaperheartxx chapter 34 . 1/15/2012
This is honestly, hands down, the best Gaara story I have ever read! You did such a great job sticking to his personality in the beginning, and managing to change it along the way. I can't wait to read anything else you come up with!
SandNinja101 chapter 5 . 1/7/2012
Aww poor Kimi! :/ I hope she and Gaara will make up soon!
SandNinja101 chapter 2 . 1/7/2012
Poor Kimi! Glad she survived Gaara! XD
SandNinja101 chapter 1 . 1/6/2012
Interesting start.. O.o Very interesting..
kyky10014 chapter 34 . 1/2/2012
I completely and utterly loved your story, the title and summary turned me away at first, but I'm glad I took a chance on it because this felt like one of the most in character stories about Gaara I've ever read. Thank you, thank you for this wonderful story and I encourage you to please keep writing.
Good boy-chan chapter 34 . 12/31/2011
This is so kawai! I love it so much 3 Gaara is really a sweetie at heart in my opinion.

I like the way the you showed Gaara's evolving character. I thought that you did a very good job with that.

However...there were spelling mistakes. I am a HUGE grammar/spelling freak, so I got really pissed off (aka my pet peeve took a voice of its own and began berating me inside my head). You mixed up "comma" and "coma". And "loose" and "lose".

Well that's all I have to say. I really did love this story. Faved it! :)
Escape to Ouran chapter 34 . 12/10/2011
Aw, I loved how you used the story title at the very end! That was well played! ;D Great job! I wish I could write as well as you have! ) -De-chan!
Escape to Ouran chapter 33 . 12/10/2011
I just want to cry every time I read these last few chapters... You've written them so well that I feel as if all of Gaara's emotions can almost be seen just by reading this story... Well done! D -De-chan!
Escape to Ouran chapter 32 . 12/10/2011
I've been reading these on my phone so that's why it's taken me awhile to review, but I really do love your story! I'm sad to see that it has come to an end, but it really is a great fanfic! ) -De-chan!
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