Reviews for Uprooted
Mciky chapter 16 . 1/28
Broo this is suuuch a freaking amazing Fanfic! Omg love it aaall of the chapters and the final is georgeoooous. Thank you for sharing your amazing talent with us
MysteryMudd83 chapter 1 . 11/15/2017
I've come back to this one a few times. Your writing style is so impressive. Everything flows together so nicely!
Alena S. Anigor chapter 16 . 8/16/2017
After finishing this just now (took me a few days but I definitely wasn't complaining), I am slightly...well, I don't really know how to describe this psychological and emotional journey you took me on, together with the characters, so I'm just gonna say this was one of the best RE fics I've ever read and thank you so much for writing it and bringing them full circle. It was definitely worth it.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/2/2017
Okay, I am not fine. I just read the best road trip fanfic and I can't get over it. It was so good. Two people packed in a car for weeks and stuck in grimy motels and a good, believable plot and great psychological view of characters - what else can a reader ask for? Plus, hidden Batman references were just awesome. I won't recover from this story for a while, that's for sure.
mymymetrocard chapter 16 . 3/20/2017
Wow. Wow, wow, wow. I've read this in about 24 hours and my head is swimming at having finished this story. I was slightly gutted that there was no lasting euphoria to the ending but there was a point (long before the confrontation with Henry etc) where I actually thought you might permanently kill one of them off so I'm SO relieved that didn't happen.
I'm in awe of how well you managed to write the road trip - even when your author's notes apologised for the way you'd written them I found myself impressed with how entertaining and progressive they were. I can't recall feeling a single section was simply filling - I devoured every single moment.
I feel like there were so many more specifics I would've gushed about had I only reviewed all the way through but I've been so swept up in the story I've forgotten them all. Things that spring to mind include the exquisite and sheer level of detail you managed to inject into the atmosphere - the conversation of the fence at the gas station being one particularly poignant moment. The almost agonisingly accurate way in which you described Lisa's feelings for him when they were at Duke's - so achingly and painfully bittersweet. And how you somehow managed to drag Jackson's emotions on such a tumultuous journey from the very beginning, all the while keeping him what felt pretty consistently in character. The verbal sparring you wrote between them was fantastic, too.
I'm sorry to see you never wrote a sequel but at the same time I'm so grateful and glad you took the time to write this. I have a feeling it will be one of those very rare, exceptional stories (there are probably 5 series/stories ever, in any fandom that have fit that description) which I will return to again and again.
mymymetrocard chapter 3 . 3/20/2017
I'm reading this for the first time and am only on chapter 3 BUT I just wanted to let you know how much I particularly loved this para:
"Cool wind swept across the lawn, clutching at their thin clothes. Both of them shivered, or only one of them, it was hard to tell, but it resonated through their limbs like voltage. Rippner stared at her exposed neck, the soft line of her jaws, the pulsating vein under her skin, the writhing windpipe, and acknowledged her collected nod with the exhale of the last billows of wrath."
Scarletsometimes chapter 16 . 12/27/2016
You know, I've reread this story over the years, I'm sure I've even private messaged you about it. Even though English isn't your first language and that can be slightly detected in some of the dialogue and phrasing, you have completely been able to lay your narrative in a way that is SO powerful. I know how hard it is to complete a story, nevermind contemplating a sequel, but I think you should consider writing for this fandom again.
Leemudd83 chapter 16 . 12/13/2016
This just became my fav red eye fanfic - really amazing - kudos!
knit-wear chapter 12 . 6/1/2016
I'm feel so many feelings right now. Angst! Xo
Aranel Saerwen chapter 8 . 5/7/2015
Thank you for the note! I'm glad I could add a little happiness to your day. We need more of that in the world, eh? As for the story, you have done such a good job so far...definitely not ooc imho...and I'm able to only expect more of the same! I love the cliffhanger! Reading on...
Aranel Saerwen chapter 7 . 5/5/2015
Ooh that was great. I love how they are circling each other. Enjoying this very much...your writing, characterisation is spot on
Aranel Saerwen chapter 4 . 4/29/2015
Your action wasn't bad...I enjoyed the whole scene...actually laughed outright when Jackson said he could drive blind classic! I am loving their chemistry.
Aranel Saerwen chapter 3 . 4/28/2015
Lovely chapter, I'm glad there is no gushing, the fighting is much more them...reading more with delight!
Aranel Saerwen chapter 1 . 4/26/2015
Alright, this is great! Love how true to character you have developed Lisa, and Jackson's return is spot on. Your action was really great, no tangling, easy flow, very visible. This is promising. I look forward to reading more.
Lady NeverAfterNon chapter 16 . 1/2/2014
Holy cats this was awesome. By far the best Red Eye fic I've ever read. Thanks for posting! Your writing is fabulous.
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