Reviews for Morass: Interlude
Iwatchthewatchers chapter 12 . 3/11/2015
CHALK ON THE SLEEVE!? Did you just do what I think you did?! OMG I can't believe you are mixing Robert Downey Jr. Sherlock universe and BBC Sherlock! Not to say it's a bad thing I am over the moon in love with this right now! I loved that version of Moriarty and the whole adoption thing is brilliant! Oh I just love it so much. Really fantastic. :)
Aeryun chapter 12 . 12/19/2013
Oh, wow! What a ride. I had to read the entire two stories today! Will there be a third, or have you moved onto other things? Either way, wonderfully crafted. I could totally see this as happening, before watching Series 2.
apostatetabris chapter 12 . 10/8/2013
This is, all in all, one of the best Johnlock fanfictions I've ever read. I wait for the Third installment, "Crucible" with crossed fingers, and a definitely open mind.
Adele365 chapter 12 . 9/12/2012
I've really enjoyed these stories. Your characters are well written, and the intrigue is awesome! I believe there is supposed to be a third installment, but it's not written yet I guess. I hope you do decide to come back to this series, its a great piece of writing!
Sarah chapter 12 . 8/15/2012
I love this series!

I'm waiting for the next installment, hopefully it comes soon! *crosses fingers*

All in all, one of the best Johnlock fanfics I've read, ive already gone through quite a lot of them too :)

Just one thing I would fix that puts me off, it's the use of "quite" and "quiet"...I've noticed -no offense- that you usually end up using it wrong, and it's sorta one of my pet peeves, so if you could fix that in the next installment, that would be amazing :3
Morrolan chapter 12 . 7/19/2012
Love this.
Ju Lara chapter 12 . 5/4/2012
I've read all the Morass chapters twice in the last couple of days, and so I'd like to say thank you for this story. It is excellent. I don't like angst, but I do love the characters, whom you have portrayed brilliantly, with depth and a lot of individual growth through the stories. Your Duchesse works so well, I very much like your Holmes background and family, the wealth, lifestyle, dis functionalism, relatives and childhood all seem to be woven closely but in a new way with the canon, they enrich your work.

I also love the John / Sherlock love story, especially with Mycroft and Lestrade backing them up. Beautiful writing and a great story.
ShillyTheEpicNinja chapter 12 . 4/6/2012
Moar. Need moar. 3
A Fan chapter 12 . 3/26/2012
Moar! Nom nom nomnomnoms
mattsloved1 chapter 12 . 3/24/2012
One thing I love about this series, and we see it again at the beginning of this chapter, is how much it wears on Sherlock having the mind that he has. His genius is as much a curse as it is a gift at times. You use of 'his John' and 'his doctor' is so touching.

I like how Mycroft has Jim as he did in S2. I'm wondering, and a bit concerned (I'll be honest), that you're going to have Reichenbach in your part three. Nevertheless, I trust you and know they are reunited. Although I wonder how your Sherlock would survive without John now that he has just started onto the path of emotions, relationships, etc.

The description of the two sons beside their mother is beautiful. And I love how Sherlock stands taller when his mother shares her pride in his finding John. Lovely work, as always, and a perfect ending to this part. Thanks again! :D
mattsloved1 chapter 11 . 3/24/2012
Fantastic descriptions in this chapter. Without it being too much in the beginning parts. I really like Sally's growth in this series. Despite his words, I am still wary of the Professor. Very nice to have us possibly believe the scope is Sebastian when we find later that it was meant for him.

Considering his depravity, I must say it was good for the Professor to remove him. Having him masturbate as the scene unfolded was brilliant because it helped us see how far gone he was. Anderson being helpful was a nice touch. Showing that he can indeed be caring. I'm so glad you brought John back before the chapter ended. It's amazing how you have woven the two men together.

Lovely update, thanks! Now off to the final chapter! :D
Shadow Cat17 chapter 12 . 3/23/2012
A wonderful ending!
1683200 chapter 12 . 3/22/2012
Good sequel!
mirth513 chapter 12 . 3/22/2012
so overjoyed to get the story alert for these last 2 chapters! and they did not disappoint.

Was interested in how you wove Season 2 into the last chapter and hope RL allows you the time and energy to continue on with Part 3.

Thanks for publishing and well done! for the storyline. Always a pleasure.

Cheers, later.
mustangwoman chapter 12 . 3/22/2012
*applauds* Bravo! d(_)b [two thumbs up]

Now that it's complete, I look forward to re-reading it from start to finish! Thank you for sharing this!
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