Reviews for Fall From Grace
dianebelcher81 chapter 15 . 6/18/2016
Dd chapter 4 . 10/14/2013
Awww kurt! My poor baby! I love Furt! Finn is so sweet! I love them!
Guest chapter 15 . 8/11/2013
Oh my god. You are such a realistic writer! I like the way you thought about the characters, and I actually cried after several chapters.
leahk80 chapter 15 . 6/15/2013
great story!
Dahdadahdah chapter 15 . 5/24/2013
Dananum... Sorry listening to Don't stop believing for the gazillionth time! Awesome story, totally! Strangers, waiting... Dah-dah, dah-dah! Sorry! I just love this song, i found a version with... A KURT SOLO! AAAAH! (jumps up and down like a toddler with chocolate) don't STOOOPPP!
BuzBeeMags chapter 4 . 5/19/2013
Please say that while Kurt is sleeping/in a coma/dying/what the ever fuck he is doing, that Finn is taking him to the hospital
couragemeanseternity chapter 7 . 5/8/2013
this was a really interesting chapter! love the story so far :)
Juanitastella chapter 10 . 6/30/2012
I just realized something. Finn was not with him when he was checked out by the doctor.
Sakamoto Mhira chapter 5 . 12/7/2011
I just have to say this story is amazing so far. I rarely review things but this has really good writing and your portrayal of the characters is stunning. I'm glad this story is complete so I don't have to wait for updates. This is definitely going in my personal archive so I can reread it and recommend it to others.
LiveLifeWithLove chapter 15 . 11/29/2011
I had about two different faces throughout this entire story:

0_0 and :O

Also, I rememebr I read this story a while ago, when I first found fanfiction. It was maybe the... second story I read (btw, the first was Dalton by CP Coulter...). And I remember loving it. And for the ongest time, I couldn't remember what it was called, or who it was by. I just knew vaguely what it was about. The only parts I really remembered was Karofsky beat Kurt up and brain damage was possible and he wouldn't tell anyone, and then the scene in the canteen. I searched for so long to try and find it, and then I found it yesterday while I was looking through my reviews for a story I read a while ago. I only reveiwed this story once. It's like fate.

I favorited this story, by the way. ;)

Kabaz417 chapter 1 . 9/10/2011
I wudv loved to know what the letter said or if Kurt would truly 4give him but besides that great story :)
Midgetninja247 chapter 15 . 7/18/2011
I LOVED THIS STORY! seriously! I also liked that last part it was nice! keep up the good writing!
TheLuciferPerson chapter 15 . 7/9/2011
Look, I know that Kurt just messes with Finn and thinks that he is just some big, albeit affectionate, guy, but I'm sure that without Finn's absurd normalness and sweetness compared to his size, Kurt couldn't get along.

I absolutely love Finn in your story.

Please keep writing and update fast!
LiveLifeWithLove chapter 9 . 7/4/2011
Okay, near the end of this chapter, after Finn found Kurt, I seriously screamed out loud, "Oh no, Kurt! It's brain damage! CALL THE DOCTOR!" Then my brother walked in and asked me what the heck I was talking about. I think i recall you saying you thik this has been done many times, but I, at least, haven't read any. You put an interesting spin on a semi-common storyline. You say you don't like to write Glee fanfics, but yet you have the ability to capture the essences of the characters quite well. Keep it up, I can't wait tos ee what happens next!
DivawearspradaXglee chapter 3 . 5/21/2011
i luv this, not the part about Kurt beat up like that, that i hated, he's my fav character from Glee! but i just liked the drama and emotion of the situation. (Kurt's life is filled with DRAMA!)
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