Reviews for Taboo
Imyourbiggestfan chapter 33 . 5/26
OH. MY. FREAKING. GOSH. I LOVE MAX. I love they way she makes stuck up grown ups look like fool. Hahahahaha
Guest chapter 47 . 5/13
Thank you for write if this story and Finishig it that means a lot to me. I love your story from beggining to end and I found nothing I would of done differently so yeah. Thank you for writing this it made the days I read it and you got me kind of emotional so tips to you I don't do emotions they suck so since you got me to feel things other than nothingness then that means it is one of the top fan fictions I have read none of the others have gotten close to any emotions (I think on just a plain girl verson of fang. Blacks my favorite color, I don't show toons, and I don't talk and if I do it is like one word answers, I really am starting to think I'm a girl verson of fang.) anywho thank you for writing this and perks to you for making me feel... Happy? I don't know emotions ether so yeah. But again thank you for writing this I enjoyed it a whole lot and I'm starting to sound like nudge this is the most I've talked/typed in y life (unless I'm writing storys) so good bye :p
DJmiso chapter 39 . 4/17/2018
yunno, i should have listed his breaking out as one of the foreshadowing. it was only when fang’s freaking out came up that i was like “grey broke out!” and then i was “BOOM!” when it was confirmed. uh, i say that when i end up right about things i predicted/assumed. one thing i didn’t predict was max’s house burning! oshit! but what the hell, how did he break out? even if his breaking out was orchestrated like he said, how even.
DJmiso chapter 35 . 4/17/2018
well, either the night hawks finds out about their relationship, max’s mom finding them asleep on max’s bed (that’s always a funny thought; all the wrong assumptions), nudge getting kidnapped...
DJmiso chapter 34 . 4/17/2018
you know that guy on youtube named Supa Hot Fiya (Fire)? if not, look it up, the video where he and his gang just went “OOHHHHH” for a stupid line he made while he was “spitting.” anyway, that was immediately what popped up in my head fer that line she made. i even went OSHIT. it didn’t matter that you got it somewhere else, that just made my day. XD
DJmiso chapter 32 . 4/17/2018
in a way, max’s mom has some valid meaning, but she’s really being unfair. i dunno if i’m being bias, but she’s judging a little too harshly. it’s not like max is convicted and that the night hawks are bad and she’s actually following legal rules, but valencia is holding on a little too much to the past. but parents are parents, and if they’re not right, no one else is. *roll eyes*
DJmiso chapter 30 . 4/17/2018
orrrrrrr you wouldn’t know time square if you’ve never been to the states until you went to florida for the first time in yer life in the recent year... :x but i guess if there are landmarks and ppl told me, i would find it. other than that, yer mean, max. :c and i had a feeling somehow celeste would make an appearance somewhere, lol. it’s fate. :)
DJmiso chapter 26 . 4/16/2018
well, i was ready in the bomb shelter but that wasn’t as bad as i thought. wonder what fang will do now that he knows and vice versa. does this mean she’ll tell nudge she’s the leader? 0:
DJmiso chapter 24 . 4/16/2018
still jealous. but this was a good chapter despite its shortness. kinda does build the suspense a little. i actually quite like that we’re just cruising along without fang and max revealing each other’s involvement with their specific gangs. call me boring, but suspense just raises my blood pressure and anxiety levels through the roof. funny thing when i find myself reading suspense all the god dang time. maybe i’m a glutton for punishment.
DJmiso chapter 23 . 4/16/2018
how do you guys do this? i am so confused (not abou the story; it’s amazingly clear even while yer slowly revealing plot and it’s awesome). i’m talking about just, writing in general. and no, telling me that just writing helps doesn’t really. i’ve been writing for years but wheb it comes to writing each out, developing characters, creating events to set up for future events, i’m at a loss. this is amazingly well-written and i wish i could do the same, haha...
VeronicaChase chapter 5 . 9/10/2017
Kinky? Omg I'm so dead! XD
Guest chapter 47 . 5/27/2017
Hi , this was a awesome fanfic
likeI'lltellyou chapter 8 . 3/3/2017
I loved it! I just started getting into max again. And wow this is a good fanfic. I've been reding golden sun and this is just as good. Golden sun is awsome check it out.
StubbornMaster chapter 48 . 6/1/2016
I suggest you do write a sequel because in the epilogue you stated that Noche Andoras was getting restless, which sort of foreshadowed that there would be another predicament between the gangs.
Anonymous chapter 45 . 3/28/2016
Omg omg omg omg I adore your writing everything about it was great I just kinda wish in this chapter you had done the scene in the book where max is getting the chip out of her arm and talks about loving fang, hehe I liked that a lot
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