Reviews for Twisted Choices
Lucky0929 chapter 19 . 8/9/2018
Please update. You can't just end on a cliff hanger like that! I love your story so much, and I would really like Alanna and Jon to make up.
Guest chapter 19 . 4/27/2018
sacredorchids chapter 19 . 10/23/2016
Wow. Wow wow wow. I can't believe this isn't finished. This is such a good story, with realistic characterization and development, and of course it is incomplete. My heart.
Failing Mentality chapter 19 . 2/14/2016
This was amazing! I like how well you treated the setting and the characters. Everything is well written and extremely fun to follow. I really enjoyed this story and introduction to this universe!

I won't pester you with requests for updates, but I will be rereading this several times!
Sky chapter 19 . 11/12/2015
Will u be continuing the story really need ro know what happens
Guest chapter 5 . 10/4/2015
dulcis angelus means 'sweet angel', I'm pretty sure. (Latin classes, I thank you.)
Laya chapter 19 . 9/6/2015
Have you discontinued this or not because I am really enjoying it?!
PiercetheStars chapter 19 . 3/24/2015
I really wish you would update this story cause I love it
Marie chapter 19 . 11/24/2014
Fun story, it reminds me of quite a few gender-bender manga (which i not at all a bad thing). Anyway, it's been over a year... is this abandoned?
TragicallyinLove chapter 19 . 11/5/2014
I noticed that you haven't updated your story in awhile. Are you planning on continuing this story? This is great stuff! I think that your portrayal of Alanna and Jon make a lot of sense. Jon wouldn't have been able to accept her gender that easily. Even in the books he was concerned with absolute honesty. I hope that you'll consider adding some more to the story. I would love to see Jon and Alanna friends again and Alanna and George together. Wishing you luck!
Guest chapter 19 . 12/15/2013
neko-mancer1 chapter 19 . 11/27/2013
I Just finished reading you story now, and it was absolutely wonderful! One of my favorite stories on the website EVER! It takes a lot for me to stick with a story, I find that they get boring and repetitive. But this is so new, different and amazing! The ideas were totally unique and told in a way that was true to the characters. This book series as been one of my favorites ever since I read it, and has remained fic has definitely done the books justice. I don't know if you're going to write any more since the last update looks like it was from 2011 and it is now 2013, but I just wanted to let you know that I think you are an amazing writer and I hope to continue reading this story.
sassydance145 chapter 19 . 11/24/2013
I can't believe I forgot to review this chapter! Anyways I loved it! I love how you keep Alanna in character even when she's crying! How she was pissed off about crying over a guy! I can't wait for the next chapter and I hope you update soon! :)
Nick-Arms chapter 19 . 10/27/2013
Hey :) I love your story, it would be awesome if you started updating again
1Kiko chapter 19 . 9/27/2013
I put this off for a while, (and it killed me every time I did) because I thought I was going to have to read it over again from the beginning and I knew I wasn't going to have time between classes and homework. Today I decided finally that I couldn't wait any longer and was going to hope that it came back to me. I'm not sure if I'm complementing your wonderful storytelling or my memory when I say that it did. So let's say it's your storytelling and move on.

I really enjoyed Raoul having a part at the beginning of the last chapter. I feel like Raoul got sadly neglected in the reveal of Alanna's secret. And I do so love Raoul. He's just so sweet.

Poor Alanna. Since this is a review for two chapters, I can happily say that I'm glad you're paying attention to the fact that it's both their faults. It's really easy for me even now to just say that Jon's being a jerk and leave it at that. (Though I'm pretty sure my animosity towards Jon just because I really prefer George.) But I think I have a hard time blaming Alanna just because I'd probably react a lot like George: "Oh shit, you saw me naked!" *put's some clothes on* "'Kay, what's up?"

So, I'm hoping by that line about Roger just being a distraction from Jon that nothing much is going to happen with him? It almost seems like it would be just too much going on all at once. But then again, if you're going to do something with him you won't find me complaining, I love all your creative decisions.

Ralon! Oh no. That is not a kind cliffhanger. You aren't supposed to leave people hanging for long periods of time on cliffhangers. Especially not after finally picking up the mood some. (I know it was only about a chapter and a half, but it felt so long to be down. I think it's the way you wrote it out, it really seemed like a lot of time had past. Incredibly done!)

I could totally go for some George on my bed. Though I think I'd prefer him clothed, and prepared to teach me street-fighting. He belongs to someone else, thus any and all fantasies I may have about him have ended. It's so sad. Actually, he was Alanna's before I was old enough to have fantasies about him which is probably why that seems so wrong to me. It'd be like walking in on your parents... Sorry.

Hope to see more of this soon. But I will wait, eagerly, always.

:] Kiko
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