Reviews for Safe
masterjediratgrl31 chapter 1 . 6/12/2015
I absolutely adored this!
Maddy Love Castiel chapter 1 . 9/28/2011
Oh gosh that was so amazing! *wipes tears* Im seriously tearing up right now. That was written beautifully! Fantastic job! Such a sweet ending. :)

xoxo chapter 1 . 5/12/2011
i have no words for this. it was incredible beautiful. im going to read it again now. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaww
forgotten4ever chapter 1 . 3/3/2011
linseyyyyy you made me fucking crryyyyyyyyy dammmn youuuuu dean's reaction to returning from heaven and missing his dad and seeing his mom AND THE PIEEEEEE and seeing dean's crying faaaaace dammn youuuuuuu

Loki88 chapter 1 . 1/16/2011
I like it so much!

Heart Torn Out chapter 1 . 1/12/2011
That was a sweet fic but imma cunfused. Are they in heaven or did Dean go to heaven and back again or what? Mind explainin?

moira4eku chapter 1 . 1/11/2011
I guess I didn't see the Romance part listed, I was hoping to read a friendship fic with Dean and Cas, you can't find those hardly anymore. I liked it up until it turned into Destiel. Thanks anyway.
Nancy T chapter 1 . 1/11/2011
I really enjoyed reading this romantic story. You might want to put just a bit of humor or irony in with the kissing, which kind of brings the story down to earth and makes the romance more realistic. But I loved this line: '"Not a lot to be happy about, Cas. But we'll figure something out. If not, we'll die trying. And something will work out for someone, it…" He cleared his throat a little, "It has to."' That is PURE Dean Winchester, his whole personality boiled down into four short sentences. Well done.
Muffy the Dough Slayer chapter 1 . 1/11/2011
So cute! Poor Dean :( I felt so bad for both him and Cas after that episode. Lol but you know what? It's one has written about what Cas thought when he found Dean and Sam dead, 'cause he couldn't have just immediately known what to do, right? lol but anyway. This is so great! I feel bad for them, sniffles. But they have each other now! Yay! Great job!
Lui chapter 1 . 1/11/2011
This is so beautiful, it almost made me cry. You absolutely should write more of these. I like the way you described Cas, it sounds very Cas-like at all. Love it 3