Reviews for Distraction
FallenTeenHearts chapter 1 . 6/11/2011
I swear you have written every comic book lover's (who love Starfire/Dick) wet dream.

If only it had gone down this way in the actual comics, instead of him deciding he wasn't in love with her any more and her flying off into space, although I love her in R.E.B.E.L.S

I really wished there were more stories like this about the Starfire and Robin/Nightwing/Batman in the comic books. Not that I don't love the tv show because they're too adorable and hilarious for their own good.

So it really doesn't matter that you've broken canon, seeing as that's what fanfiction is for. And you made it more than just love/lust between them with Dick battling with the to be or not to be like Bruce that he's always battled with all his life.

This tiny one shot was really perfect.

Instant favorite. :)
oxsugarxcoatedxo chapter 1 . 2/27/2011
Finally! Someone did a Dick/Batman and Starfire fic! I loved it! It's different and it was short, yet sweet :)
RoseAngelx chapter 1 . 1/27/2011
That was very well-written. An interesting idea, Dick as Batman, but a good one nonetheless. And they were both in-character. It was enjoyable to read. Good job. :)
Mar'i Grayson chapter 1 . 1/26/2011
Nicely done! In my opinion, deserve more reviews, is better than a few stories I read there. Describes the love between Dick and Kory no matter the distance, always has that spark that lights up everything. And I also feel the presence of affection that Dick has for her since they met.

I hope that DC Comics has never definitively separate these two, and one day they can finally be together.


Star of Airdrie chapter 1 . 1/19/2011

I love your writing and your characterizations and insight.

Loved the take on Dick as Batman. He is not the same in the cowl, but can't really be different with Kory. ('Batman doesn't dance' 'Dick, don't talk like that. Not with me.'-Titans #21)

revengefrank chapter 1 . 1/11/2011
aww how cute
Serenity - formerly sb1 chapter 1 . 1/10/2011
Sequel1 Sequel! Sequel!