Reviews for Addiction
Alex098 chapter 17 . 4/24/2017
this story was amazing I had so much fun reading it it's one of the best kizaya stories although I wished kida resisted Izaya and didn't forgive him easily but it was still good , and could you please make a sequel for this pretty please ~~
BleachwuzX chapter 17 . 11/14/2016
It would've been better if he said I love you at the end just saying
ilovepandasalot chapter 17 . 7/12/2014
Man I love Izaomi cause I LOVE Izaya top! I couldn't stop smiling this entire fic. This was beautiful truly beautiful I'm crying tears of soy! Yes I said soy not joy. Lol
Lie-Majesty chapter 1 . 6/4/2014
i really love your story and this is the third time that i read it
i have seen that you are writing in another kizaya
i keep waiting and look forward to read it soon
your writing is really good and i like it the most
allenx14 chapter 17 . 5/23/2014
Dawwww that was so adorable
AIWS Virus chapter 17 . 4/18/2014
Well done amazing!
EternalFalsity chapter 17 . 2/14/2014
The smut between Izaya & Masaomi is always great, but I kind of disliked how Masaomi kept going back to Izaya regardless of how poorly he was treated. Still, the story was a great read, hard to put it down. Thanks for creating this :)
EternalFalsity chapter 12 . 2/14/2014
I like Mikado & Aoba together the way you've written them.
EternalFalsity chapter 7 . 2/14/2014
I love the way you write Mikado & Masaomi together!
SunshineProject chapter 17 . 9/15/2013
Sweet, adorable, heart breaking, and angsty. I like it :P . I like the way you got Izaya right, not changing almost like magic and being all "I love you Masaomi! I always loved you!" . I liked the fic a lot! w Im really grateful to you for writing this!
Ran-Ran1 chapter 17 . 7/24/2013
I couldn't stop reading this cuz it was soooooooooooooo amazing. I had to force myself to stop when I couldn't stand to stay up but I had really wanted to finish it in one day but I ended up dragging it ou for 4 days and I loved every minute of reading it. U have a skill for this and I think that's amazing so keep it up and I look forward to reading others written by u.
Kensy Echo chapter 17 . 5/11/2013
Wow! The first time I decided to read this one, I never know that it would be Izaya x Kida since I knew that Izaya was a j*rk to Kida in the real anime and I couldn't imagine they could be together. And I'm kinda surprised that they could. But still I dislike Izaya so much for ruining the adorable Kida's life and I dislike Saki too.

Anyway, I like your neat writing and your idea of story. You made Kida real cute here, like a tsundere type boy in front of Izaya. It's a really bitter-sweet triangle love and Mikado was the victim here. Why? Because I can't believe just how much Kida hurt Mikado and all he did was go on easy and enjoyed his time with Izaya, instead of rushed down to Mikado and apologize. I don't know if you make it on purpose that Kida seems into love over friendship, but that's what I saw and I'm sorry if I'm wrong hehe Kida's lucky that Mikado was nice 3

Ah yeah you introduce a new character to me since I think Aoba never appeared in anime, only in the Light Novel, hehe

Your story is great! Keep writing okay? You're really have a skill.

Kensy Echo
BeingSecretive chapter 2 . 3/31/2013
This is literally amazing cannot stop reading!
Tasha Xu chapter 17 . 3/29/2013
It was a awesome story. I like the way Izaya gets jealous.
Andi.Elric chapter 4 . 3/24/2013
I love this story so far and I am a Kida fangirl.

One thing I thought just before Izaya did everything to Kida was, "it's not rape if you yell surprise." Too bad Izaya never said that. I think it would have made it slightly worse for Kida.
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