Reviews for Fairyride
Guest chapter 20 . 4/5
I hope you're doing okay with your family! I've been rereading this fic every year since you started and I absolutely adore it! I hope you'll update one day, but I understand that a lot can happen in 6 years. Please be okay!
non of ur business sorry chapter 20 . 9/25/2019
When will u update?
JeaNii08 chapter 20 . 3/1/2017
First off, my condolences to you and your family. I hope you guys overcome this tragic hardship. Secondly I really love your story so far. And I'm all team Kizuo (Kumiko/Shizuo) instead of Kuzaya (Kumiko/Izaya) I hope you come back to this story soon
Silent Killing chapter 20 . 10/30/2016
Can't wait for Izaya's 'feelings' to be triggered! :D
Hope that you're okay and that you'll update soon!
HuntressXHunter chapter 16 . 9/23/2016
HuntressXHunter chapter 10 . 9/22/2016
I Really like this oc
Guest chapter 19 . 8/23/2016
I love your story so much! Ur really great at writing the characters! Keep up the good !
LOLWUT chapter 12 . 6/30/2016
This chapter made me blush like a motherfucker
Tuna chapter 20 . 5/28/2016
I love this story! Seriously, I love how different your OC is.

I think Kumiko would have an easier relationship with Shizuo, but I can see a relationship with Izaya working out...It would just be a lot more hazardous and would take longer to develop. Maybe I prefer her being with Izaya because of my own Izaya bias :'D And I remember reading a good blog post which speculated on whether Izaya could romantically love an individual, and I thought it brought up some good points: post/138515953085/durararaizaya-analysismeta

Anyways, I hope you can update sometime, especially seen as the Izaya arc was starting :)
Aglio - Saggezza chapter 20 . 2/23/2016
Shizumiko and Kumizaya?
Lady Syndra chapter 20 . 2/18/2016
I think I shall have to wait and read more before deciding who to ship her with. However I am currently leaning towards Kumiko and Shizuo. They just fit a lot better and they're much sweeter!
White-Nostalgia chapter 15 . 12/27/2015
I enjoyed the story so far. Kumiko, I will admit, annoyed me quite a bit at first. She still annoys me a little but there is still something likeable about her. What I find annoying about her is that she seems to be incompetent at everything. It's perfectly realistic to have a flaws like insecurity, shyness but it's also frustrating because I don't feel her character has changed much. I haven't finished the whole story of course so we will see how this goes.

From what I've read so far, Kumiko is definitely a better match for Shizuo. Izaya is my favourite character but I struggle to see him considering someone as submissive and average as Kumiko as an equal. There is nothing wrong with being average - it's just that she is the type of person who Izaya sees every day and it's the insecure girls that he takes advantage of and uses. Any relationship between Izaya and Kumiko would jsut be really unhealthy and become a parent-child relationship.

Anyway I haven't read the entire thing yet so ignore this review entirely if it isn't relevant later on. I also see you haven't updated in a while which si a shame. I hope you return to this story soon.

Doshy chapter 6 . 7/19/2015
I really like the story so far! ( am only on ch6 though hahaha) But one thing that kinda annoys me atm is some of the language used. I have no problems with swear words, i use them way too mich aswell, but 'faggit', which is obviously meant to be read as faggot, is maybe a bit too far, espicially as it is a slur and not to be used as an insult. Bipolar is also not really appropriate as an adjective, as it is a mental illness, not a charactistic. I know a probably come off as whiny but as someone who is gay, faggot can be very offensive. I guess these issues may be adressed in the chapters i have not read, but im just voicing my opinions.
Bloody.Kirai chapter 20 . 7/18/2015
Soooo... Haven't updated, I see... Please help me satisfy my Shizuo-fangirling :v Please.
Bloody.Kirai chapter 11 . 7/18/2015
This is the second time I read this and I've realized something... She's 14? I mean... didn't you say she was a senior? This might be something you mentioned in an author's note, which I sometimes [ok, a lot of times] skip... Is it?
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