Reviews for All According to Plan
Guest chapter 1 . 8/28/2012
This was absolutely beautiful and everything I could've hoped for when I first clicked on the link to read this. :) Very well done. Thank you.
Crimson.Tears.Fall.Down chapter 1 . 4/11/2012
Very nice story, bittersweet but heartwarming...
Touch of the Wind chapter 1 . 9/17/2011
MidnightRosebud chapter 1 . 7/24/2011
An excellently written and well-balanced story. You caught right into Akiko's crazy fantasies while balancing it perfectly with her firm stand in reality. Your story flowed naturally from hysterical to serious and back again. I throughly enjoyed reading it. :3

Thank you so much for writing and sharing it! Please, keep writing!
Munia chapter 1 . 2/24/2011
I loved this story i really really did. you stayed true to their characters. I really love these 2 as a pair. I think that they are probably one of the most succesfull canon pairings that i have read about and enjoyed. i would love to read a sequel for this because this is really really good.
Midnight Hikari chapter 1 . 1/20/2011
Thanks for making a Takoyaki fanfic. I've been waiting for someone to do this. It was pretty cute and definately IC.
Drix chapter 1 . 1/17/2011
Brava Brava. Bravicima. Oh My God, how I loved this fic. I think you really nailed Akiko right on the head, Ryuu too. Best kamen Rider fic for this series I have ever read. Hope there is going to be more to follow.
BleuFleur chapter 1 . 1/6/2011
Great story! I thought you did a great job of crafting a deeper backstory for the Akiko/Terui relationship while staying true to the characters and the feel of the series. It definitely felt like it could have happened off-screen. Thank you for sharing!
Lost Flame chapter 1 . 1/2/2011
Wow! This story was beautiful. I absolutely adored it. I'm a huge fan of Terui/Akiko and this is by far the best fanfic I have ever read for them. It felt like it stayed very true to their characters. Thank you so much for writing and sharing it.

I don't know if you have already seen it or not but without wanting to spoil anything I truely recommend seeing the movie: Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider OOO & W featuring Skull: Movie War Core. You will definetly like it.

Thanks again for your story. I can't seem to praise it enough.
Toa Karou chapter 1 . 1/1/2011
Well, at least she got a cat like she wanted...

I really loved this, especially with the knowledge of what happens in the end. Looking forward to watching the Movie Taisen 2011 even more after reading this D