Reviews for I must be Dreaming
Crawcolady chapter 13 . 12/2/2017
SuziH-J chapter 13 . 12/1/2017
Just found this, great story so far. Please keep updating here, I have never heard of Wattpad.
dibart chapter 12 . 6/6/2013
it would be nice to finish this story before you change place
happy-rea chapter 12 . 6/3/2013
why don't you post on both? I don't have wattpad and i have no intention to do so.
badly-knitted chapter 12 . 6/3/2013
I'm an old lady who doesn't even know what a Wattpad is, so I'd be grateful if you'd still post here. I haven't read any of this fic yet as I usually wait until a fic is complete (too many never get finished and it's depressing getting halfway through and never knowing how something ends), but I keep an eye on the ones I want to read and this is one that sounds really intriguing, I'd like the chance to read the whole story when it's finished.
wellofwisdom79 chapter 12 . 6/2/2013
Would definitely like it if you still posted on here. With my work schedule I do not know if I would have the time to keep up with this and Wattpad (never heard of it to be honest)
Stormreaver01 chapter 11 . 8/7/2011
Well ... let me get this straight. Ianto's niece and nephew have just been MURDERED because of revenge on Jack and Ianto and what do the intrepid duo do? Leave Owen and Tosh to sort out that sordid mess and get ANGSTY about their relationship? For real? A tragedy has happened and is either one of them focusing on the fact the two INNOCENT children have been shot dead? Does Ianto care that he HAS TO tell his sister or is he too self-absorbed with Jack not being there? And self-centred, cowardly Jack just RUNS AWAY? You have given your central characters all the maturity of pre-teens! And the chapter closes with the two all lovey-dovey and snuggling up to sleep? For real? Two dead children; a sister who needs to KNOW what has happened and you have them snuggling down to sleep in each other's arms? REALLY? And obviously NEITHER of them care about the potential THREAT to the rest of the team by the perpetrators of the crime? Oh, come on ... it may be fiction but it really doesn't read right!
twilightluva786 chapter 11 . 8/6/2011
Great Chapter
PCJanto chapter 11 . 8/6/2011
OMG,how cruel can John be killing children is a all time low,i'm sitting here with a box of tissue,you could feel ianto pain as you read the story,magnificent chapter,brilliantly written
Lauren chapter 10 . 7/31/2011
OMG! Awesome story, Alice! Don't stop writing and good luck with Sam! ~69
Rina chapter 10 . 5/15/2011
plis acutliza rapido plisss
CheshireTears chapter 10 . 4/10/2011
Awww! Yay, I'm needed. x) Sorry luv, I'm back and ready to beta this week! Glad you found others though. Hehe, good thing this was a "tame" chapter... knowing you I was wondering how the hell your mother was going to read it!

Now on to the chapter. Wow. Damn, I missed a good one! Please tell me you'll have the next chapter done early this week so I can find out what happened? :3 Love you~!

Pelowskin chapter 10 . 4/10/2011
Aw, towen:) so sweet!

And OMG what's going on!
whitecrossgirl chapter 10 . 4/8/2011
love thee bit with the two kids and tosh and owen getting together. but i think they've now realsied that having small children in the same place as Adama nd John mightn't have been the smartest thing to do
CheshireTears chapter 9 . 4/5/2011
HEY! You know... I COULD beta at B&N if you still wanted to go... Dammit, are Banana and I the only ones who live on the other side of town from y'all? :( Or... I could do the e-maily. T.T I like beta-ing... DON'T LEAVE ME LUVVVVV! I LOVE YOUUUU!

Kays, I done being ovadamatic beta. I leave now. No fotune cookie fo you if I no beta. They not actually fotune cookies. They Kut (Kurt) cookies. They better. Bye bye now. (Sam come in nine days)

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