Reviews for Incentives
incognito chapter 10 . 4/4/2011
Ur thought is actually amazing. The way you organized the plot is simply "organized" :p. Well, it provokes readers' curiosity about what's gonna happen next. Ima just gonna tell ya later
incognito chapter 9 . 3/25/2011
You surely couldn't arrange to write longer and this chap is surely much shorter than any of the last one. But it was interesting. It was like a break. A breeze that changed the thought from the fight and intense in the demon world to the real world of human. U surely did offer an interesting foreseeable event in which Ciel would be meeting his ex fiancee, wouldn't he? I somehow feel this stuff quiet familiar :p But certainly, Ciel now has to both serve Torquil and arrange to come to the weeding, correct? The scene that the Undertaker recognized him resembles the feeling that arises in some scenes in Prof Layton, when the chapter ends and foreshadows a new mystery or event, correct? I am looking forward to readin the next chap

Btw, Sorry for sendin this late as last night I was so excited after I successfully boosted up my phone usin a new patch that I forgot this important job. So instead of taking another half an hour of sleep I am now writing this. Anyway, good job capturin the Prez postiion :p and where is the green button?
miyu kagami chapter 9 . 3/24/2011
I LOVE YOUR STORY! You don't deserve a hug you deserve a major Glomp! Keeep writing please!
mofuiufom chapter 9 . 3/24/2011
LOL, I wuv undertakeerr!
AyameMaaka chapter 9 . 3/23/2011
~hugs.~ .
Shadow On The Full Moon chapter 9 . 3/23/2011

CielxSebastian FTW!
Incognito who you already know chapter 8 . 3/8/2011
To reply to your note:

-1st: You are awesome finishing one freaking long chapter in just 1 day, or roughly 3h and 5 min, and it's on Women's Day, Yay Great Girl, not yet a Woman

-2nd: Cyril is a magician, Cyril Takayama. Torquil is sorta derived from Thor the Thunder God, derived from Scottish name Torcall,which in Japanese read to-kuiru, And I don't know what that supposed to mean. And tabor is like a small drum i guess.

-3rd: the idea changed is pretty much exciting here. Why is there an old contract that has to do with the guy with the name Torquil? Is he the little boy who signed the contract with the demon who later felt unneeded by the demon that he tried to get revenge? No? And ... Well, I have no further question coming up in my head right now so... Again, happy Women's Day
AyameMaaka chapter 8 . 3/7/2011
hahaha i will your, pain is my pleasure haha
incognito yet been known by u chapter 7 . 2/26/2011
It was weird yet was acceptable as the girl transformed into a male demon, not the other way around. Still it was not that hard to understand as everything became explicitly clear toward the end. Somehow Sebastian was stupid when he didn't stop the meeting of Ciel with the girl the very first moment, but if that happened, it was no longer interesting innit? Ciel possessed the power to be the real master of the dark world , didn't he? Then the phrase Nuisance used by Grell must indicate that Ciel probably has to defeat other demons to become the master? And had there been a friendship between Grell and Sebastian before Ciel became immortal?

The fact that demon power fed on the body of the demon itself kinda creepy. I could really imagine the scene that Grell transformed into a real demon, it was somehow gross. Thus, I found it contradict to the fact that u were scared of ghost, innit?
mothtothemoon chapter 7 . 2/25/2011
jeez this is an interesting and unexpected story...but I was a little happy to see Grell:P Thanks for writing, and more please!
Black-Neko-Chan chapter 7 . 2/24/2011
Haha, well, I can safely say that I was NOT expecting that at all. When you said that'd we'd get some insight on the girlfriend, I was thinking she'd be some big bad evil with horrible plans for dear Ciel in store. And then it turns out she's really Grell. Oh goodness, I feel for poor Ciel XD Imagine if he had actually liked her too!

This chapter was sort of confusing to me, although that might be because we still don't know about all the things Sebastian is hiding from Ciel (he should probably stop doing that, actually. Might have prevented this from happening). Anyways though, I'll be looking forward to more! Must know what happens to Ciel XD
Incognito chapter 6 . 2/23/2011
I shall expect that the next chapter should have been available, shouldnt it? :p
mofuiufom chapter 6 . 2/22/2011
pls update :3
Incognito chapter 6 . 2/14/2011
U said u would put in a little piece of explanation for what already had happened in the original one, did u not? What was the seal all about? In the original story, Sebastian served Ciel so that he could obtain Ciel's soul right? And Ciel was considered the one who controlled the world of darkness, was he not? The second season of the original one has already released in 2010. So what part are you writing on? After season 1 or season 2, guess i should kno some plots first. Why is the seal so important? And why does Ciel feel confused when he treated Sebastian like that to get the info he needed? I saw no scene of romance Or I should have seen that thru the couples of last sentences, when Sebastian touched Ciel, gay scene or wat? Anyhow, the girl covered in the blazer of him, is she the one who appeared in the previous chap?

Bit out of line. Loads of paper work, Ple, U still have time to party, Me ain't got no place fun for party here. I still bear with u :p Happy V day, again.
Black-Neko-Chan chapter 6 . 2/13/2011
Still enjoying this just as much as before XD I am very confused to a lot of things, but that's a good thing. Makes me want to keep reading and find stuff out, heheh. I am hoping that soon at least some of my questions will be answered. Seems like it anyways.

Ciel finally came up with a design for his seal! So in other words, the shit will really start to hit the fan now, huh? XDD The design sounds interesting though, and compliments him vey well. I'd like to see it. I also think I like this chapter the best, so far. The scene where Ciel used magic against Sebastian and the way both of their emotions were after were subtly described was very nice indeed, and will probably be rather important in the future too, I'd think. Sebastian seems very rushed to have Ciel finish his seal, but once the need for all this activity and hurry falls away, methinks the way Ciel actually hurt him will pop up again. Eheheh, along with that, I really liked Ciel lusting all over Sebby when Sebastian was probably only innocently touching him and nothing more. Ahh, poor boy, all romance-troubled X3

As to your question at the end of the chapter, I absolutely love length. Super long chapters, super long stories, super long and super involved plots, everything. So I'd be all for a long story. But do whatever works. If things sound better shorter, then don't try to stretch them out because then the pace could slow and get boring. And I think the pace you've got here is fine. Not much action in the first few chapters, but now things are really picking up, and it's exciting. And don't worry about taking a bit to update! Life happens. Just don't let things fall too behind. (Because Devon has room to talk about long updates, pfft XP)

Anyways, I shall wait patiently for the next chapter! And Happy Valentine's to you as well, though I really can't stand the holiday XP
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