Reviews for one hundred drops of blood
Lumiere de Venise chapter 57 . 6/18/2019
Awwww :)
Waifine chapter 62 . 8/2/2015
A fantastic snippet into the little explored world of UtaHota. Really enjoyed the quiet atmosphere, and the underlining yearning. Beautiful.
sundes2013 chapter 40 . 3/23/2015
Awww I love shinohina as well, well i am starting to recently ( which is very late on my part).
Emporia Nexus chapter 69 . 8/3/2013
I have just now stumbled upon your profile by chance, and finished reading all of the drabbles. They are wonderful! :D I am not sure you are still around, given the date when this was last updated - but if you ever return to it, I'd like to one day see your take on a less than usual couple - Kisame x Hinata. That pairing deserves a little more love...

(...and yes, I am perfectly conscious that she's been "in love" with Naruto since she was five or six, and that there is a sixteen years difference in their ages. So I will understand if you are odded out at reject it. Still, continue to update, regardless of the pairing. I can declare myself a bit of your fan.)
Winter Tiger chapter 69 . 5/5/2013
Pleeeeaaaase do one with Hizashi! I don't care who, but Hizashi is my favorite and I don't think you've done him yet. Or have you... *scrolls through all 69 chapters*
Winter Tiger chapter 3 . 5/5/2013
I love it :)
This story is just amazing.
goldspears chapter 1 . 1/9/2013
He did never care, ever, this is realistic this is how it really it.
KibaPuppyPaws chapter 69 . 8/23/2012
Yay! I am loving this. Could you maybe do Kurenai and Asuma please?
superhappy chapter 69 . 8/15/2012
This a very unique set of drabbles and I'm very glad you started it again. As for my request, perhaps a Kisame and Hinata? Just a thought.

Anyway, this is a good fic and it's interesting to see what pairings people come up with. I'll be watching it closely and I'm eager for your next update!
Violet in Technicolor/Drossell Keinz
warmaidens chapter 27 . 7/25/2012
Sai does seem like an observant type.

There's something I really like about this one, and I think it's the 'observing and waiting' going on here. Mhm. :3

Well, don't have a lot of time to keep reading, so I'll continue tomorrow.

-Ai Deidara
warmaidens chapter 21 . 7/25/2012
Oh, Shisui, you sly dog. c:

-Ai Deidara
warmaidens chapter 17 . 7/25/2012
Aw... :c I wish I could favorite individual chapters, 'cause I seriously lovelovelove this pairing, and I love the way this was written.

Well written drabbles like this just amaze me I s'pose.


-Ai Deidara
warmaidens chapter 15 . 7/25/2012
Awe, sweetness. I lurve them. c':

-Ai Deidara
warmaidens chapter 14 . 7/25/2012
Oh, Madara, you naughty old man. xD

I could see this pairing happening... indeed, if he were about fifty years younger. ;D

-Ai Deidara
warmaidens chapter 12 . 7/25/2012
Heh. As long as there's a pretty girl, forget about the dogs, eh? Cute. :3

-Ai Deidara
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