Reviews for Kina Kalamari's Interview Journal
LocketShoru chapter 1 . 10/1/2012
Since I found all of your RuneScape stories, I'm reading them and will give reviews on all of them. This is great, you make it sound as though it actually did happen. I've got a few requests here, though. And they are:
-Commander Zilyana (that'll be difficult!)
-A pest from Pest Control

They're all pretty hard to get to, except maybe Iban, seemingly as you work well with him. I think getting to Death will be the hardest. Go on, let's see our favourite reporter in action!
NoodleGorillaz23 chapter 1 . 10/20/2011
I really loved this interview. If you're still accepting requests, then maybe you could interview Jack Frost, or the Grim Reaper, or even the King Black Dragon. I'm sorry that all my requests are so weird XD.

Jelly Princess chapter 1 . 1/24/2011
GO TALK TO... umm... how bout the King Black Dragon? That'd be funny. xD Or maybe you should talk to Azzanadra... Alex would really like that. xP This chapter made me laugh.
TaichiWind chapter 1 . 12/31/2010
The more dangerous the better? If that was sarcasm, I suggest you take on Sir Amik Varze, but if not, find the Culinaromancer, please!

Real nice, keep it up!
Anara Celebvilya chapter 1 . 12/30/2010
That was highly entertaining. I love the part about Arrav shouting things like 'I'm sorry Kina' and whatnot. I just realized that I had been staring at the screen for a couple of minutes, and I've run out of things to say... so... Bye.

korettln chapter 1 . 12/30/2010
That's hilarious XD Can't wait to see who your next victim is!
Chasing Ideas chapter 1 . 12/29/2010
Very nice, and funny, though I don't exactly know who Arrav is...Yes, I am alive, despite my awful correspondence capabilities. Seeing as I don't know too many dangerous characters in RS, I can't be much help there. My membership expired a few weeks ago. I'll update it again, but not until after mid-terms (which are in mid-January) are over. Anyways, nice job and I'll try to stay with this story.

~Chasing Ideas

P.S. I was randomly looking at my profile the other day and I mentioned our epic Twilight parody. Maybe we should actually get a start on that one of these days. It would be epic.
Tylixe chapter 1 . 12/29/2010
This was my idea wasn't it? I like it when you use my idea but I like being credited for 'em :(

Ah well. Funny anyway

Did it help that you watched me do defender of varrock?