Reviews for The Line in the Sand
CoffeeQueenDemigod chapter 1 . 9/7/2013
I..I have never read anything more beautiful my my entire life. With the last line, I burst into tears. I've had shivers going through my body since I read the line "If you had one last day with your beloved, which would you choose?" I never thought of the Doctor thinking of Rose in that moment. You are so amazing for making this. I've never cried while reading a story on FanFiction, and I have never gotten this effect. The way you wrote the words so gorgeously is so freaking amazing. Every line was a piece of pure art. This story is the most beautiful thing I've probably ever had the honor to read. I thought I loved Doctor Who, and the Rose/Doctor ship before, but is the most gorgeous, and beautiful thing ever, and you inspirsed in for me. This writting is just so amazing, that I could cry and read this a billion times, and never get sick of it. This is pure beauty and amazingness. I have never read a story more grogeous. So, so amazing. I loved it so much.

whelmedarrow chapter 1 . 10/23/2012
I'm crying this is amazing
Francesca Montag chapter 1 . 1/16/2011
Oh, very nice. *sigh* I think most of us (okay, us Rose/Doctor shippers) thought of her during this episode and that line. I mean..who else would it be? Some people argue that it's River but he doesn't even know her...not yet. But anyway, this was beautifully written :)
alasweneverdo chapter 1 . 12/31/2010
Having just re-watched a select few episodes, and having cried myself to pieces over both departures of Rose-and Ten's death-there's something bittersweet about reading this fic. I think a lot of us would like to believe the Doctor would tear a hole through the universe to be with her. It's like that part in "Doomsday"-

THE DOCTOR: The whole thing would fracture. Two universes would collapse.


And you just know he's wishing, in that moment, that he really could let everything just go to hell right there. You brought that all together perfectly.

My only real criticism is that the last part seems to come to a close rather hurriedly. I felt like the whole thing about going back to that day and changing things came and went when you could have dragged it out a bit further, perhaps. It all just ends sort of abruptly, I think.

Overall, though, wonderful story! I liked it very much, and you did a great job of tying things together within the canon.
bellalilie chapter 1 . 12/28/2010
oh my gosh, thank you so much I was thinking something along the lines of this story on Christmas as I watched the Christmas Carol.

Thank you for puting it into words
Bekki chapter 1 . 12/28/2010
Lovely. Poetic and sad and very well written. Thank you