Reviews for The Cruel Heart: Look at Me, and Only Me
tenthstar chapter 1 . 10/25/2017
I remember reading this when it was first published and I can't believe it's almost going to be ten years old. Time really does fly! And no matter how much time passes, I always adore reading this and hold it close in my heart, especially because I love how you characterized them and your writing style was always one of my favorites. You were actually one of my main inspirations for writing when I was younger, and while I still have a long way to go, I just wanted to say thank you for giving me that push of encouragement through the works you posted. I hope life's treated you well over the years!
Jedi Alice chapter 1 . 2/3/2016
Hey, smut is never the easiest thing to write (unless you're in the porn business.), especially if it's between a couple you either love or hate. I, personally, despise Blood, along with the Jokers, but I read this because Alice x Blood smuts are invariably steamy. I think this one was pretty good, and it actually made me hate him a little less.
Blood: So it made you like me a little more?
Me: Shaddup, perv. The only cool thing about you is your hat. In fact, gimmie that! (steals hat and runs.)
(Blood is left pouting over the loss of his hat.)
Galaxia Star chapter 1 . 8/13/2015
Blood was COMPLETELY in character.
Pat The Panda chapter 1 . 11/23/2014
Guest chapter 1 . 8/31/2014
This was super super super amazing! I ambdefinately checking all your other M fiction XD !
Everything was well written, the flow was perfectly pages, and every feeling were well depicted. Bravo :D
R e d chapter 1 . 8/2/2014
I'm appalled that I haven't left a review for this because it definitely deserves every single one.
Honestly, I could not tell that this was your first time writing an M; I've come across my fair share of M-rated ficcies and yours felt like it was written by an expert - even more so, that you added character introspection rather than just a PWP.

The mood you set.. the dialogue.. from beginning to end, I truly felt like this whole story captured perfectly the essence of Blood and Alice's relationship. It's dark, it's caustic, it's full of mocking courtesy (at least on Blood's side), and of course, erotic. Hell, it almost bordered on abusive but you managed to hold back and show why it's not a 'all-about-control' relationship. There is that core underlying tenderness that love seems to flounder in... or shall I say, well-hidden vulnerability - insecurities that are under wraps of cruelty and acidic remarks. Not once, did you ever falter in your characterization of the two. Even after their 'confessions,' they still remained true to their characters. I was almost afraid to see them cuddle affectionately afterwards but at the rate the story was going, I didn't lose hope in your characterization skills and of course, you delivered past my expectations. You showed why Alice is a fair match for Blood; she never backed down, was brutally honest, and bit back twice as much (the ending is a perfect example, I almost laughed, haah). Essentially, you showed the type of lady who can handle a person like Blood.

You obviously put a lot of thought into what each character would be realistically thinking in this situation (a trait that I appreciate in all writers on this site) and I swore, at times, I remember thinking that you could easily be one of the mysterious staff members who worked on the original series. That's how eerie your accuracy on them was. Blood and Ace (Ace, more so actually) are two of my favorite characters from the cast so it's always a delight to see someone who can appreciate both of them but to see that same someone write them well? - well I can cross that off the bucket list.
EclipseKuran chapter 1 . 7/11/2014
I love this pair but they are so dense about their feelings.
Gamerj1998 chapter 1 . 6/4/2014
This story is 'old' I know, but a review must be made. Mainly because the site is saying my password is wrong (it's not), I can't do the 'forgot your password thing' either 'cause my mail is acting up too. I was just gonna favorite your story... Consider it favorited!
Allora22701 chapter 1 . 4/2/2014
Was this your first ever lemon? You might want to warn readers of that in your summary. Allora chan
phantome101 chapter 1 . 3/25/2014
I love the way you wrote me it seems to portray them perfectly (I'm probably biased though since Blood's my fav)
LilithiaRW chapter 1 . 2/2/2014
Wow that was a really good lemon! I like your characterization of Blood.
peekodemeeko12 chapter 1 . 12/30/2013
This was EXTREMEY well written and I was very, very impressed. You captured Blood's personality extremely well along with Alice's stance towards him. You offered insight that I would never have thought to include and as a writer I am very jealous of that. Extremely well done, and I was very impressed. I will personally never write a rated M to this degree and I try not to read too many of them but this was outstanding. Lustfilled but it had a purpose, a rare combination to find I think. Very impressive work :)
Pink Peppermint chapter 1 . 11/12/2013
Soooo good *-*
Rhistoria chapter 1 . 8/24/2013
Wow, this was amazing! They were in character and I loved the lemon! :D I have to angry that Blood is romantic(sort of), but a bit too oneshot!
Uchiha Evangeline chapter 1 . 3/24/2013
That was really good. Wouldn't believe it was your first lemon!
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