Reviews for Clearwater Country
uffauffauffa chapter 47 . 9/13/2017
Chapter 46
The Volturi have arrived and Sam does not miss a chance to deride the Cullen since those who had to perceive the presence of Italian vampires did not hear or saw anything. Sam does not love the vampires because they have separated him from LEAH and now she has resumed a life with another wolf guy. Sam loves she and loves Emily because of her printing. Ok he had no choice, but he could not be so selfish about his ex. He did not try to rebel against the magic of the wolves, he simply let go, so he can not expect LEAH to continue to love someone he can never have again.
Preparations for the clash are at full speed and are rather heavy. This time there will be no truce.

Chapter 47
Embry is the first victim of the Volturi vindictive fury. I did not expect to see Edward falling because he was the protagonist of the original saga. Aro has expanded his line with new pawns and one of them is able to shield against the opponents' powers. This is a big advantage for the Volturi. Not to mention that the strategy used in this last clash has made the Cullen and Quileute more vulnerables.
The final is open with Aro who looks like a winner and decides to vampirize Bella and make her become a new member of the family. At least this is what I understand.

Now I go to compliments
Thank you for giving LEAH a more deserved happy ending.
Thanks also for writing the story so well. I did not have a big problem translating this with the site's automatic translator. What happened to me with other equally beautiful stories, but not written with the same grammatical precision.
Thank you for the way you have described certain situations: the romantic ones that are never with too much sugar, the intimate ones that are never vulgar ... and the scenes of action well-studied.
uffauffauffa chapter 45 . 9/13/2017
Chapter 41
Mike is not happy that his daughter comes out with a wolf guy. Perhaps he is jealous, or is afraid that his daughter may suffer a lot. So he asks Charlie for advice. But Christy does not intend not see Seth anymore. She is lover of he, and she hopes that he can return her feelings.
Sam does not laugh at Seth's sentence. She does not seem to be happy for LEAH, perhaps because him human part is still in love with her. But Christy does not like to see him together with Emily. Maybe she find all the absurd history - a kind of magic that forces you to love another person even if you're already in love.

Chapter 42
LEAH has a friendly and very quiet conversation with Mike. While Seth is worried about the imminent return of the Volturi. Jane had already hurt Paris and now she could hurt Christy.
I really like how you've given importance to the entire Clearwater family.

Chapter 43
I think LEAH and Rosalie can become best friends. Both suffer for their condition and LEAH has perhaps more of Edward's feelings of Ros's pain. Jane is doing his move and kidnaps LEAH's son. But this is expensive because in the end she has the worst because it is torn apart by LEAH. Also thanks to the help of Emmett and Carlisle. This thing brings no resentment between her and the vampires, but the ultimate peace.
Now I expect of the Volturi response. And it will be fierce.

Chapter 44
Alec wants to avenge Jane's death, but Aro is more cautious. He wants to destroy the Cullen and even the wolf guys ... or maybe he just wants to tame both. Aro must, however, find a plausible excuse to move was. After all, Jane acted alone and kidnapped one of the small ones in the reserve. Meanwhile Carlisle agrees with Sam to patrol the territory of Forks and LaPush. I hope they them, will not give blame at LEAH. She just did the right thing.

Chapter 45
Despite the imminent danger Sue and Charlie tries to move forward as naturally as possible. Also because of the children. Christy's family is also warned. Mike is not happy to see the pack of wolves patrolling the territory. Chris. instead he is brave and despite the Volturi she want to see his beloved Seth.
uffauffauffa chapter 40 . 9/13/2017
Chapter 36
LEAH is not very happy to be cured by Dr. Cullen. Like it or not, were whit them coming to cause the mutation of the boys in the reserve and her. It also complicates LEAH's life dramatically. Although there is Jacob in his life, she still at not accept them. Carlisle, however, is the only one who can actually help the girl because they are both supernatural creatures, like the baby they LEAH is waiting for.
LEAH's enthusiasm is very nice to see. He thought he was sterile, everyone believed this, and the gift of maternity further softened his character.
Seth, however, makes me angry when he tells LEAH that he will not love anyone outside of Paris. For her sister was the same with thing for Sam, but everyone said that she had to forget the boy, turn the page... as if it was a simple thing. But Sam was his first great love.

Though she loathes the Cullen, I think LEAH is the one that she understood more Rosalie. Very more of the Cullen themselves.

Chapter 37
I expected LEAH to call the child Harry in honor of his father.
The return of Paris does not gladdens Seth's soul. Although she loves a lot the boy prefers to leave him. She wants thay he to be happy and live a life full of being human. A few tears are outputs. I hope that love eventually triumphed over all the issues that can bring their relationship.

Chapter 38
Tommy's parents are on guard. They fear he can transformed before the others for the him pedigree. And so it happens. A small gray wolf puppy makes appears in the cradle. Whit the kids they serve 100 eyes, with little Tommy, how many? LEAH is not entirely serene, she knew that sooner or later it would have turned, but not so soon. She wanted a life as serene and normal as possible for him.
They say that the gene is only taken by a male, but now I wonder if even Emmy can not be transformed.

Chapter 39
Seth is worried and probably the elderly and the rest of the pack are. Tommy is an unknown. A bit like it was LEAH. Seth is also worried about the bond that seems to be between his little sister and his nephew.
What romantic are LEAH and Jacob. I love when they are alone and they cuddle each other. That little break from all the problems is needed. This short break is also good for Seth who learns better about Tommy.

Chapter 40
Christy is becoming something more for Seth. Eventually he and Paris will not come back together and I'm sorry. Seth has the right to be happy, but I was hoping whit the vampire girl. As I have already put in a previous review, I hope that he continues to experience a deep affection, not a simple want it well.
Tommy, on the other hand, give a lot to do to his parents.
uffauffauffa chapter 35 . 9/13/2017
Chapter 31
On the one hand Seth's little sister helps the boy to feel less useless, but on the other hand he is likely to move him from Paris. She loves very much Seth and the thought of not being able to make her boyfriend happy with a son him makes she very sad. A problem that seems to only see Paris, but not Seth that admitting with her mother that she is the right girl for him. But unfortunately Paris decides to leave, at least for a while. Sue is right, leaves Seth because he only wants the happiness of LEAH's brother. This is so moving. She prefers put before at the her happiness, the Seth's happiness. It takes courage. A similar thing is seen from LEAH when he tells Jacob that he prefers to see Sam happy with Emily rather than unhappy or dead.

It makes me smile to think of LEAH as a bad cook. I've always seen her close to her mother while helping her in the kitchen and other home affairs.

Chapter 32
Seth visits the Cullen in an attempt to get information about Paris. According to Carlisle Paris has made the right choice. Now it does not matter to Seth, but later on the possibility of having no children could harm the relationship. Of course, though, the boy seems to be comforted in a hurry. Romeo reminds me that before falling in love with Julietta, he was lost in love with another girl. Males.

Chapter 33
Mike is a new mutaforma, or is it too old to be transformed? Seeing his pedigree never ever say. I hope that a part of Seth continues to try a deep affection for Paris. After all she leaves he for love. Become only a feeble and insipid memory I find it very ugly.

Chapter 34
Heaven, Mike is Charlie's new vice, and he's also the guy who fired at Seth to see his transformation. It looks like a joke. Fortunately Charlie and Sue are in the dark of everything.

Chapter 35
Poor puma. LEAH seeks to take the best out of what life can offer her. Like, for example, cradle a little Emmy. The little is a bit of contention between her parents, Seth and her.
Thanks for the beautiful gift you made to LEAH and Jacob. In the last phrases, Jacob's and LEAH's sweetness is sees, but also their immense happiness.
uffauffauffa chapter 30 . 8/14/2017
Chapter 26
Seth to a talk with Paris. He does not want the girl to sacrifice his life to be together with a boy who is no longer able to do things before. He does not realize the evil that words can inflict. Paris does not give up. She wants to be with the boy she loves and she does not care if the young boy is not the wolf anymore. She know that if he's he endeavor, he'll pull out something beautiful, strong and new.

Chapter 27
I love LEAH, she's doing everything to make sure Seth is together with Paris. The one between the mutaforma and the vampire is a very nice relationship and her sister does not want her to be ruined. That's why he wants to help the two guys.
Congratulations for the most intimate scenes, because they are not vulgar or even sugary to the nausea. Only full of love and a pinch of passion that never breaks. I do not remember all the passages in history, but so far it seems to me that only Paris said "I love you" at Seth and not vice versa.

Chapter 28
If I am Jacob and LEAH to go to Sue, she is going to them. Hormones are crazy for the new arrival at Clearwater home. LEAH's mother was afraid to tell the news of the future child because of the sterility of LEAH. At the time, Sam had involuntarily reproach on the girl's, the her sterility when he said that imprinting was to bring forth the descendants of the wolf boys (and worse it say to the wolf guys and perhaps their companions, and they complain of What LEAH thinks of Embry and of all its situation).
This is one of the things I hate most of the Twilight saga. Also because it confirms the thesis of people who say Emily is the only girl for Sam. How to say that with or without imprinting, Sam would never hurt Emily, not even involuntarily. But true love is far more than the fictional one. For me the true love was what she felt (and tried ?) Sam for LEAH. With its ups and downs like life. Now I'm going to cry. I've been crying for LEAH for three, four years. I read the saga in 2013. I read the books in the library and then I boughts only for LEAH.
Returning to the story, Sue's daughter is very happy for her mother, but in her heart there is some bitterness. It is understandable, many things have been denied to LEAH. Fortunately there is Jacob in his life now.
If Sue's in the saga was really pregnant, they would criticize LEAH. This I will always repeat, she asks LEAH to be happy of the happiness of others. Serenity that she was taken away to give to others and in abundance ...
I'm sorry for the confusion and outburst.

Chapter 29
She has a lot of attention from Charlie and her children. But she does not want to be considered a sick woman. Her family are just worried because Sue is no longer "young" to have children. Both the Thanksgiving dinner preparations are good at least until Seth does not angry LEAH. This scene has left me a bit puzzled because it seems that the blame is all about the girl. But I see only a LEAH who just wants to joke with her brother like once when there was still Harry, when the vampires did not enter their lives. Seth's answer instead leaves LEAH alienated. She just launched a pea on her brother's, while he launches a spoon full of purè and sauce. I'm also remained bad at what he whispered to Paris about his sister. Edward instead? Did not understand how things went? I've always said that the illiterate does not read the minds of others altogether. From what I understand LEAH has put something in Seth's slice. It was just an innocent joke and she could not imagine the rest. Did someone else do that? I always think that if LEAH does something, they all get angry. If the same thing does someone else does nothing.

Chapter 30
Things after the LEAH joke are back to normal or almost. Perhaps in a few years Sue and Charlie will laugh, but for the moment there seems to be a certain gap between mother and daughter, or how do you say, a shadow that covered the relationship between them. Emeline's arrival could fix things between LEAH, Sue and Charlie.
uffauffauffa chapter 25 . 8/6/2017
Chapter 21
Seth struggles to adapt to his new condition and feels guilty in the comparisons of the people who love him anymore. Even Paris has its problems not only with Seth, but also with other members of the pack. If I first thought that the imprinting or accident Seth could somehow scrap the relationship between the wolf boy and the vampire, I put now list also the grudge of the other members of the package and Seth himself as it does not seem to take In front of Sam and Paul, an decision for Paris.

Chapter 22
Although LEAH is happy with the new life she started with Jacob, she realizes that the relationship with her brother is cracking. And he does everything to shake him so much that he eventually she hurt. This makes Jacob angry and he is determined to give a lesson to LEAH's brother. I love this guy more and more, the way he takes care of LEAH, as he protects her. And there is no imprinting.

Chapter 23
The Volturi yesss. I have a weakness for DEMETRI vampire cultured, refined and very fascinating also thanks to the interpretation of Charlie Bewley. A story I wrote in Italian: The Heirs of Volterra (occult advertising) sees LEAH and DEMETRI as couple. I also like Aro. The way "vampire emperor" reminds me of a desperate and psychopathic housewife who does not lose a season of his favorite soap; After all he loves the happy ending. Returning to the story we find Jane is the little vampire that attacked Seth. The arrival of Italian vampires does not look good in everyone's life, starting with that of Paris and her wolf guy.

Chapter 24
The dear, lovable, sweet Jane ... tortures Seth on Aro's order. Does the vampire still want his guard dogs? Or is it fascinated by the fact that there are other supernatural creatures besides vampires and licantrops? He may want LEAH since she is the only wolf woman. He would find it very precious just because it is unique or rare. Paris finally helps Jacob and Sam find Seth and I hope that this will bring some peace between them. But knowing the boys wolf.

Chapter 25
Sue tries to carry on a certain family life despite the concerns of her children's double life. Sometimes, however, a good news comes as the healing of LEAH. Seth, though, has the affection of everyone and his beloved Paris, he struggling to resume. But what's more impressed in the boy's heart is Jane's wickedness. So far he knew only Cullen and did not expect all that cruelty.
Jacob's little attentions towards LEAH...
... to the face (Italian exclamation) of those who think that only imprinting brings certain attentions.

Sorry, I sometimes translate well, others bad
uffauffauffa chapter 16 . 7/19/2017
Chapter 16
It is very nice to see the complicity between Jacob and LEAH and even better to see LEAH finally serene and happy so that he no longer sees the world with cynicism. And all this thanks to the love that Jake again donated to LEAH. I do not like imprinting and I've never found the giust relationship between Jacob and Renesme. After the departure of Sam was Jacob / LEAH more just. Rachel is right that kind of gifts make the boys very happy. Jacob's last sentence is very beautiful. There you see all her love for she.

Chapter 17
Poor Jacob can not even afford a moment of relaxation with his girlfriend. Seth is too euphoric for these new vampires (the Volturi return?) And this will cost a lot to the guy. In a sense he does the same thing thet has did the sister in Eclipse. But I've always seen LEAH as a girl who in some way only acted to show the guys who she could be one of them. She was just trying to get accepted from the crowd of wolves. I have never seen pride (what I see in other characters in the saga) in LEAH. Seth, on the other hand, is a little boy and he reasoned from kid.

Chapter 18
Seth asks a great favor to Charlie and does it for her sister. He does not want to ruin LEAH's day. After so much pain she just wants to see her happy sister in the arms of her second great love. Luckily, in the end he think about it and he understand that not only can not miss the wedding ceremony, but he realizes that he must not be conditioned by his disability. LEAH thanks to the final decision Seth is even more bright. Sure for the kid will not be easy, but he will have everyone beside him. Beautiful the prayer Quileute.

Chapter 19
Seth and Paris are very in love, but he fears that she only pities for her new condition. The girl instead tries to make it clear to him that he loves him for his soul, his great heart. But this does not seem to be enough to judge Seth's reaction the next day. Sue does not seem very convinced of this report since Paris is a vampire. He also fears that the relationship between the two can be ruined by the new condition of the boy. If it does not come before the imprinting.

Chapter 20
Poor Seth, and poor Paris. The girl was just playing with him and did not imagine the boy's reaction after involuntarily uncover his arm. Paris also has to face it with Sam, who tolerates the presence of the vampire girl next to one of the boys in her pack. LEAH's return seems to put some peace in Seth's heart. Sue's love for their children is touching. This is one of the things I love the of more about your story. And the relationship of friendship between LEAH and Paris is also very beautiful and good.
uffauffauffa chapter 15 . 6/5/2017
Chapter 11)
Preparations for marriage are proceeding and fortunately LEAH has the full support of her mother seeking somehow to convince the reserve's elders to accept that Seth's girlfriend is present too. They have accepted that he frequents a vampire (perhaps hoping that Seth imprint with another), they accepted that the Quileute boys attend the Cullen ... Finally Sue's romantic week and Charlie became something more. Seth seems a bit hesitant perhaps because of Harry. LEAH, on the other hand, thanks to Jacob's love is happy and takes everything with serenity.
I still did not understand if Billy is happy that Jacob to married LEAH. While I've never found LEAH arrogant and presumptuous. Not even when Jacob is hurt.

Chapter 12)
Jacob passed by accident and felt the smell of breakfast? Let's say the meal is just an excuse to stay a little closer to her LEAH. It's great to see peace, serenity and love come back to Clearwater's home.

Chapter 13)
It is natural that the guys have some reservations about Charlie, even though they eventually accepted. The memory of Harry is alive is strong and perhaps they fear their mother no longer loves their deceased father. And apparently it's also hard for Sam to see that LEAH is doing a life with Jacob. He still seems in love with her in your story, but she can not expect her to stay in love with him. He has Emily now and although he has no choice, if he could not do anything, he did not even try to resist. He let himself go. Idem for Emily. LEAH will always have a place in his heart for him, but now someone has warmed his heart and LEAH after so much suffering deserves to be happy. Jacob now has to become alpha if nothing else to do in way the wolf boys and Sam respect LEAH.

Chapter 14)
I can not imagine Seth going to see a theatrical work. I can see it more in the cinema to enjoy the X-Men. Idem for Jacob. The scene in which those who are thrown out for too much temper is all laughing.

Chapter 15)
Marrying with Charlie does not change the routine much. Men who watch the game or go fishing. And she's home to prepare for food for them ... jokes apart I think Sue is happy to see Harry's best friends again at home. It is now up to LEAH to live with this routine.
uffauffauffa chapter 10 . 5/23/2017
Chapter 6)
Poor LEAH, Christmas at Cullen's house and as if that's not enough, there are Sam and Emily too. Now they are all friends and for LEAH it's hard to digest. They have always said that vampires are enemies, that they exist to fight them and it is precisely because of them if his life has changed so much. An now she has to pleasure all of this them too, because Bella's father frequents her mother and Seth loves Cullen and her new girl friend. But there is someone who begins to appreciate LEAH and I say ... finally, Jake has noticed her.
Bella was strasformed. If so, there is no danger with Renesmee. I always thought it was just LEAH Jacob in the saga.

Chapter 7)
LEAH is thrilled. For too long he was not looked at with love by a boy. And that's exactly what she needs now. To be loved. And Jacob? He's more surprised of her. She knows her from a life and after Bella, probably did not think she would fall in love again. After all for him, Isabella was her first great love, just like Sam for LEAH. Wolves for lucky do not accuse LEAH of have been hateful (for them) with them, with Sam and Emily for "nothing" (in quotation marks, the wolf guys never understood how much that happened between Sam and Emily really terrible). They approve and look happy for them two.

Chapter 8)
Seth is caught up with his first love, and his first disappointment. Imprinting, who has he can not detest him, who does not have, it and does not want and it at the same time can not do anything. They just have to cohabit whit imprinting. Seth is right is a threat that has hurt his sister. And she could go back and break the girl's heart. LEAH is courageous to try with Jacob and also he is courageous. I hate imprinting. It is above all that thing that ruined LEAH's life, even more than the presence of vampires. But why did Meyer put it? Werewolfs could not simply fall in love "normally"? Something that happens among other things. Please do not put it.
Sorry my reviews are mostly about LEAH and I leave out the rest.

Chapter 9)
I do not think Jake has fallen in love with LEAH during New Year's Eve in Casa Cullen (it seems title a movie or a fan fiction all from laughs). I guess instead He has understood that he loved her from time. She one is left go totally go in his arms that night. Jacob makes the big step, wants LEAH as his life partner. He does not want magic to mutaforma to choose for him, but his heart. And good Seth defending her sister. Here in your story I like it. And what about Paris? LEAH considers her as a sister, because she is the girl of the brother's and then she understands what LEAH has gone through.

Chapter 10)
I did not understand one thing, the wolf guys they find sugary LEAH and Jacob? But not Sam when you think of Emily? Is not the same thing? Or is Sam being jealous? ... I hope of yes and LEAH is fine to answer Paul. The wolf guys are never happy. Poor Charlie discovers part of the secret not thanks to Jake, but because of LEAH. Jacob must become alpha so the guys can not somehow give the colpe at LEAH.
uffauffauffa chapter 5 . 5/18/2017
Top 5 chapters

1) You are very good at describing family moments. Here we can see all the affection that Sue tries for her children and the love she has for her deceased husband and her new companion. However, the disadvantage of family calm is the missions that his children must do to protect the land Quileute. LEAH to be pleased with her new world has decorated the room with wolves. But it is this world that has taken away everything at she.

2) One of Sue's nightmares happened. Seth is hurt by a vampire. Fortune who is he not alone and who have a supernatural doctor. The little wolf resumes quickly and the family's quiet seems to have come back. Even though he often fights with him, LEAH loves a lot of his brother. He is one of the most important men in his life.

3) Poor LEAH, has had to endure the humiliation of imprinting (she is not the one right for him...), the humiliation of seeing them together (complement each other ...), the humiliation of feelings the thoughts sweet and lovable of Sam for Emily. But LEAH if you complain mentally or verbally, they complain about her, because it is not fair to Sam and Emily. They do not realize that it was never right. The imprinting has separated LEAH from its great love and vice versa. For me, both girls are Sam's twin souls, but one of the wolf, the other one of the man. Only the choice of imprinting serves to procreate other wolf boys. That's why for LEAH is even worse because at this point imprinting is just a disguised love (I wonder if they and their wolf girls are realizing it)... and now she have to undergo the humiliation of the indiscreet look of Jacob. How long does this thing remain hidden in Jacob's mind?

4) Sue is struggling with the problems women have when they have to go out with their partner and LEAH has to endure the presence of Sam and Jake. This latter gets forgiven. Here Jacob like at me. He is affectionate with LEAH, he does not criticize her and laughs when she feels her thoughts on Sam and he has fun watching the boy's reaction. I hope Sam continues to love LEAH and that this sentiment is not canceled in favor of Emily (I hope this also for the saga). The final scene is beautiful: Jake wraps LEAH with his arm.

5) LEAH can not digest the affection that Seth has for the Cullen. I not can give wrong it to her. The presence of vampires has given Bella so much, but took it all to LEAH. Ed Edward never thought good of the LEAH.
Silver chapter 47 . 9/14/2016
Amazing story.
Silver chapter 22 . 9/14/2016
I am enjoying this take in Seth.
Silver chapter 9 . 9/14/2016
That is so super sweet. Love this chapter.
Silver chapter 1 . 9/14/2016
Aw...great start. Love the pairings.
purple slushies chapter 3 . 7/29/2013
I like this chapter. :)
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